
  • 网络Yukon Huang
  1. 曾任世界银行(worldbank)中国局局长的黄育川(YukonHuang)估计,如果以前取消了这类限制,现在中国人口将约有60%生活在城市中,而不是当前的52.6%。

    Yukon Huang , a former China director for the World Bank , estimates that if such restrictions were eliminated , about 60 % of China 's population would now live in cities , rather than the current 52.6 % .

  2. 如黄育川所指出的,中国的银行职能十分特殊,但不太可能在短期内有所改变。

    The function of banks in China is very particular , as Yukon Huang argues , but it is unlikely to change any time soon .

  3. 在文集开头的概要部分,世界银行负责编辑此书的英德米特.吉尔、黄育川和霍米.卡拉思指出,短文贯串了四个主题

    In an overview chapter at the beginning of the collection , editors Indermit Gill , Yukon Huang and Homi Kharas of the World Bank suggest that four themes permeate the essays

  4. 黄育川是总部设在华盛顿的卡内基国际和平基金会的经济学家和中国问题专家。他认为,过去这些年来,华盛顿的腔调并没有帮助缓和美中双边关系。

    Yukon Huang , an economist and China expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington , says the tone from Washington over the years has not helped ease bilateral irritants .

  5. 华盛顿智库卡内基国际和平基金的黄育川说,灾难预言者如此关注家庭消费相对国内生产总值的比例下降是错误的。

    Yukon Huang of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , a think-tank in Washington , DC , says doomsayers are wrong to be so concerned about the fall in the ratio of household consumption to GDP .