
  1. 中原黄金冶炼厂焙烧工艺浆式进料新技术

    New technique of feeding roasting furnace with pulp materials in Zhong-Yuan Smeltery

  2. 黄金冶炼厂酸浸系统结晶物形成机理研究

    Study on forming mechanism of crystals during acid leaching systems in gold smelters

  3. 黄金冶炼厂烟气制酸装置的生产实践与改造

    Production practice and retrofitting of a sulphuric acid plant based on gold smelter off-gas

  4. 黄金冶炼厂污染源治理技术

    Technique for pollution treatment of gold smelting plant

  5. 某黄金冶炼厂含氰污水零排放生产实践

    The practice of achieving zero discharge of cyanide-bearing waste water in a Gold Smelter

  6. 介绍了某黄金冶炼厂通过对洗涤工艺流程的改造,实现了含氰污水零排放。

    The Gold Smelter through technical reform of washing system achieved zero discharge of cyanide-bearing waste water .

  7. 简要介绍了烟台市黄金冶炼厂生物氧化车间投产以来的生产情况。

    The working conditions in bio-oxidation work-shop of Yantai City Gold Smeltery since its putting into operation are introduced .

  8. 针对紫金矿业集团黄金冶炼厂产出的含金废料,进行了焙烧湿法回收金的工艺研究。

    Recovery of gold from gold bearing waste material yielded in gold smelting plant of Zijin Mining Group by roasting hydrometallurgy are investigated .

  9. 介绍一套原设计能力为40kt/a的黄金冶炼厂烟气制酸装置的生产实践与改造。

    The production practice and retrofitting of a sulphuric acid plant based on gold smelter off-gas with an original design capacity of 40 kt / a is described .

  10. 为实现含氰污水零排放,达到保护环境、充分利用资源、可持续发展的目标,针对蓬莱市黄金冶炼厂氰化贫液中含铜质量浓度高的特征进行了系统的试验研究。

    For the realization of zero discharge of cyanide bearing waste water to protect environment and fully attain the goal of the sustained development of resources , the characteristics of high density of copper in the cyanide bearing barren solution of Penglai gold smeltery were studied and tested systematically .

  11. 大多数印度人被迫将黄金出售给珠宝商,后者收取5%至10%的手续费,然后将黄金卖给冶炼厂熔化和再出售。

    Most Indians are forced to sell their gold to jewellers , who for a commission of between 5 and 10 per cent take it to refiners to melt down and resell .