
  1. 地浸开采可划分为开拓和回采2个阶段,对应提供开采的矿石工业储量分别为:开拓矿量和备采矿量;

    In - situ leaching can be divided into development and mining stages , in which developed ore and blocked - out ore are provided respectively .

  2. 阐述编制露天矿的各种开采计划的方法和步骤,以及其台阶划分、计划台阶顶底板的控制、编制剥离量和采矿量及其煤质指标等;

    It expounds various mining methods and steps , including the bench demarcated , plan mining bench top and bottom floor , the coal and overburden amount of plan mining , and coal quality indicators .

  3. 但那将减少每次采矿的量,且要承担移动小行星时出现问题而带来灾难性后果的风险。

    But that limits the value of the haul and risks a catastrophic impact if something goes wrong while the asteroid is being manoeuvred .

  4. 主要表现在:钻孔数据的三维可视化,等值线绘制及工程图输出,资源储量计算和采矿工程算量,煤层赋存及煤质分析。

    Mainly displays in : borehole data 3d visualization , isoline drawing and engineering drawing output , the mineral reserves calculation and mining engineering calculate quantity , coal seam occurrence and coal analysis .

  5. 随着煤炭工业的迅猛发展,采矿企业的信息量也在急剧增加,而传统的信息管理手段与模式已经落后于生产力的要求,急需将先进的信息技术应用到矿山的管理之中。

    With the rapid development of coal industry , the information of mine companies are rapidly increasing , while the traditional management model of mine information has lagged behind the requirements of productive forces , so advanced information technology are urgent to use for the management of mining .