
  • 网络mining machinery;shearer and roadheader
  1. 区域采掘机械化设备选型优化配套构想

    Ideas on selecting and optimizing the regional mining machinery supporting facilities for

  2. 完善加载试验技术、提高采掘机械可靠性

    Improve Loading-test Technique for Enhancing Reliability of Mining Machinery

  3. 采掘机械漏油与密封技术的探讨

    Study on oil leaking sealing technology of mining and excavation machinery

  4. 薄窄矿脉采掘机械化问题探讨

    An appr on mining mechanization in thin and narrow vein mines

  5. GB/T15663.10-1995煤矿科技术语采掘机械

    Terms relating to coal mining & Coal winning machinery and development machinery

  6. 采掘机械齿轮轮齿断裂过程仿真与断裂强度

    The Fracture Process Simulation and Fracture Strength of Gear Tooth in Mining Machine

  7. 煤矿采掘机械破损螺纹孔修复方法

    On Repair of Damaged Thread Hole for Mining and Developing Equipment in Coalmines

  8. 提高采掘机械齿轮强度问题的探讨

    Discussion on Increasing Gear Intensity of Coal Mining Machinery

  9. 连续式采掘机械模拟截割试验动态数据处理

    Data processing of cutting simulation for continuous excavating machines

  10. 通用工程机械与设备GB/T7679.1-1987矿山机械术语采掘机械设备

    Ordinary engineering devices Mining machinery vocabulary & Mining machinery

  11. 冲击式采掘机械工作机构的研究

    The study of pick mining machine operating mechanism

  12. 在采矿业较发达的国家,薄窄矿脉矿山采掘机械化普遍推行。

    In raining industry developed countries mining mechanization in narrow vein mines was introduced widespreadly .

  13. 并指出推土机和铲运机(包括它们与其它采掘机械联合的开采工艺)较适合永久冻结砂金矿的开采。

    We also point out why bulldozer-scraper is fit for placer gold mining in permafrost area .

  14. GB/T7679.1-1987矿山机械术语采掘机械设备

    Mining machinery vocabulary & Mining machinery

  15. 地下采矿机械。工作面上的移动式采掘机械。截装机和开沟系统的安全性要求。

    Underground mining machines-Mobile extracting machines at the face-Safety requirements for shearer loaders and plough systems .

  16. 采掘机械的可靠性问题

    Reliability Problem Equipment for Excavation

  17. 在矿山生产中,采掘机械的数量多少与性能好坏直接影响到矿山的生产规模与生产效率的提高。

    In mining production , the quantity and property of mining machinery affect directly the production scale and efficiency .

  18. 煤矿井下采掘机械齿轮选材及其综合性能的探讨

    Approach to Select Suitable Material of Gears of Underground Equipment for Excavation in Coal Mine and Its Combination Property

  19. 锡林郭勒苏尼特碱业有限公司的天然碱矿床是可溶性矿床,过去采用单一的采掘机械开采,回采率仅为78%左右。

    A recovery of78 % was only obtained by mining soluble deposit with single machinery process in Xilingele Trona Mine .

  20. 本论文的论题选自国家自然科学基金项目“采掘机械截割粉尘的成因及控制方法的研究”。

    The proposition of the paper comes from a NSFC project - " Contributing Factorof Cutting Dust and Its Control Strategies " .

  21. 阐述一种大型采掘机械模拟截割试验载荷的性质、测试数据处理的理论、步骤和结果。介绍了动态测试的方法和所用的仪器。

    The load properties and the principle , procedure and results of data processing for cutting simulation of large excavating machines is described .

  22. 本文着重研究地下采掘机械优化配置的方法问题,并以一实例给出了分析的方法和步骤。

    This paper mainly studies the method of optimal fitting of underground mining machinery , and analyses an actual example by integral programming .

  23. 新产品掘进机工作效率高、全性能好,实现了采掘机械化。

    New Carter products , mining roadheader , with very high working efficiency , and good safety feature , obtain the aim of mining mechanization .

  24. 简述目前采掘机械设备工况监测的种类,并着重介绍开发较成功的油液监测技术。

    The article briefly elaborates the kind of monitoring for working condition of underground equipment and put an emphasis on the more successful oil monitor technology .

  25. 本文论述了如何使用有限元法计算采掘机械齿轮齿根应力和应力分布,齿根应力强度因子,轮齿变形和接触应力及分布。

    This paper describes how the new finite element methods are used to : calculate root fillet stress and stress distribution , root stress intensity factor , tooth deformation and contact stress .

  26. 分析了流体力学在采掘机械中灭尘及液压系统、通风机械、选矿机械,尤其是在新型选矿机械中的应用。

    Analyzed the application of hydrodynamics at the fields of removing of dust in excavate machine , hydraulic system , fanner machine , concentrator machine , especially the use in new concentrator machine .

  27. 对煤矿采掘机械重要部位螺栓联接锁紧力达不到要求的原因及其对设备运行造成的危害进行了理论分析,进而给出了预防办法和措施。

    The paper analyzes theoretically the causes for locking strength of the bolt linking of mining facilities not to meet the requirements , illustrates the damage to the equipment , and puts forward the precaution measures .

  28. 本文综述了1988年内采掘机械化的发展概况、特点,以及新装备的研制与试验,设备租赁与检修等方面的动态。

    Paper summarizes the general condition of development of mining mechanization in 1988 , including the feature of development , the trend of research and test of new equipment , leasing of installation and relevant service and maintenance .

  29. 对原平市石豹沟矿奇村井采煤方法进行改造设计,以达到提高资源回收率和采掘机械化水平,改善矿井通风系统,预防瓦斯、煤尘等重大事故。

    The mining method designed in Yuanping Qichun coal mine , to arrived that resoures recycle ratio and mechanical level wiu be raised , mine ventilate system will be improved and gas , coal dust will be prevented .

  30. 行星齿轮传动在采掘运机械中的应用

    The Application of Planet Gear Drive in the Machines of Excavation and Transportation