
kuànɡ jǐnɡ dì zhì
  • mining geology
  1. 矿井地质构造定量评价信息系统的开发及应用

    Development of the quantitative evaluation information system of mining geology structure

  2. 矿井地质工作中准确确定岩层产状的方法

    The method of ascertaining stratigraphic occurrence in mining geology

  3. 基于GIS的矿井地质保障信息系统研究

    Research on mine geological guarantee information system base on GIS

  4. 矿井地质图件绘制中AUTOCAD的应用

    Applying Auto CAD to mine geological graph drawing

  5. 静态GPS定位在矿井地质勘探中的应用

    Application of GPS Position to Geological Prospecting

  6. 基于AutoCAD的矿井地质三维可视化研究

    Research on AutoCAD-based Mine Geological 3D Visualization

  7. 用时间域有限差分(FDTD)法建立矿井地质雷达的模型。

    Use called finite difference time domain method ( FDTD ) a forward modeling for drift ground penetrating radar ( GPR ) is established by explicit second order finite difference approximation .

  8. 做好矿井地质工作为煤矿生产服务

    Get Done With Mining Geological Works to Serve the Coalmine Production

  9. 三维地震勘探在矿井地质勘查中的应用

    The Application of Three - dimensional Seismic Exploration in Geological Survey

  10. 矿井地质是煤矿安全生产中的基础性技术工作。

    Pit geology is the basic technical work of coal mine safety .

  11. 矿井地质力学测试在巷道支护中的应用

    Application of mine geological mechanics measurement and test to mine roadway support

  12. 便携式矿井地质探测仪在西曲矿的应用

    Application on Portable Type Pit Geologic Detecting Instrument in Xiqu Coal Mine

  13. 矿井地质雷达探深提高方法与解释方法

    Improvement and Interpretation of Detection Distance of Mine Geologic Radar

  14. 矿井地质雷达在煤矿中的应用现状

    Present State of Application of Geology Radar in Coal Mines

  15. 矿井地质报告编制中若干问题的探讨

    Approach on some problems in mine geology report establishment

  16. 矿图是煤矿生产的重要技术基础资料,也是矿井地质工作的主要成果。

    The blueprint is the basic data and the main achievement of mine .

  17. 瑞利波探测技术用于矿井地质超前探测

    Rayleigh wave detection technology used in in-advance geological detection

  18. 对矿井地质条件分类的评价

    To Evaluate the Classification of Geologic Conditions in Mine

  19. 瞬态瑞雷波探测技术及其在矿井地质中的应用

    The transient Rayleigh wave prospecting technique and its application in mining geological exploration

  20. 双高矿井地质保证技术条件的探讨

    The technical conditions of geological guarantee in high yield and high effective mines

  21. 地质力学在矿井地质工作中的应用

    Application in Mine Geology Work ing of Geology Mechanics

  22. 复杂条件下矿井地质保障工作的探讨

    Discussion on indemnification of geotechnics under complex conditions

  23. 采用矿井地质构造预测数理统计法对矿井断层展布进行了预测评价。

    The forecasting technique of mine geological structure was applied to forecast the fault .

  24. 矿井地质条件分类专题报道总结

    A Summary of Classification of Mine Geological Conditions

  25. 构造块段法在矿井地质与水文地质研究中的应用

    Application of the structural block method in the study of mine geology and hydrogeology

  26. 神府矿区的主要矿井地质灾害与防治对策

    Geological Hazard and Prevention Strategy in the Main Mines of Shenmu-Fugu Coal Mining Area

  27. 矿井地质对原煤质量的影响

    Influence of mine geology in raw coal quality

  28. 矿井地质雷达正演中的两个理论问题

    TWO Theorizations on Forward Modeling of Mine GPR

  29. 加强矿井地质工作提高资源回收率

    Strengthening mine geology work and lifting resources recovery

  30. 浅谈加强矿井地质预测预报工作的重要性

    A talk of Importance of Mine Geology Forecasting