
  • 网络Modern agricultural equipments
  1. 谷物联合收割机智能测产系统是基于传感器技术、微处理器技术、GPS技术和系统集成技术的现代农业装备技术。

    The grain combine yield monitor system is modern agriculture equipment technique based on the sensor , SCM , GPS technique .

  2. 二是提高现代农业装备水平,促进农业发展方式转。

    Second , improving the equipment level of modern agriculture to promote transformation of the mode of agricultural development .

  3. 介绍了现代农业机械装备技术发展和现代维修管理工程技术。

    In this paper , the development of modern agricultural equipment in China and the modern maintenance engineering are introduced .

  4. 现代设计法在农业装备设计上应用现状与前景展望

    Characteristics of Modern Design Methods and Their Applied Prospects in Agricultural Equipment