
  • 网络practicing veterinarian;Surgeon Veterinarian
  1. 执业兽医制度初步研究

    On working Introducing the System of Professional Veterinarians in China

  2. 国家财政政策决定着执业兽医制度的维持能力。

    And national financial policy determines the capability of the maintenance of the institutions .

  3. 第三,执业兽医制度的建立与社会条件有着密切关系。

    Third , the establishment of veterinary practicing institutions has a close connection with social conditions .

  4. 第五,执业兽医制度是动态的、进步的,是不可以完全复制的。

    Fifth , the veterinary practicing institutions are dynamic and progressing , and would not be replicated completely .

  5. 执业兽医开出的该动物没有服过抗生素病的证明不能否决主管兽医的该项权力或责任。

    Practitioner certification that an animal has not been given antibiotics does not override this authority or this responsibility .

  6. 第二,执业兽医制度的建立必须有三大核心要素作保证,即专业化、职业化和法制化,三者缺一不可。

    Second , the establishment of the veterinary practice institutions must have three coreelements & speciality , profession and legislation together .

  7. 世界最早的执业兽医制度虽然已经有一百多年的历史,还是不断遇到新问题。

    The earliest veterinary practicing institutions formed in the world for more than one hundred years and constantly encounter new problems until now . Sixth , the establishment and maintenance of the veterinary practicing institutions was the result of cooperation between government supervision and profession self-discipline .

  8. 并建议中国的3G执照应当实行拍卖。取得兽医从业资格和执业资格,领取兽医执业执照,从事兽医临床或相关工作的兽医专业人员构成了执业兽医队伍。

    It suggests , in China , auction should be taken into account in the field of 3G licence allocation . Licensed veterinarians are those who obtained veterinary profession qualification certificate and veterinary practice license , engaged in clinical activities .