
  • 网络execution culture;executive ability
  1. 基于执行力文化下现代医院核心流程体系的构建

    Constitution of the core process system for modern hospital based on hospital execution culture

  2. 执行力文化的工作效应与图书馆管理

    Working Effects of Execution Culture and Library Management

  3. 试论执行力文化的构建与政府行政效率的提高

    Primary Discussion on Executive Ability Construction and Enhancing Administrative Efficiency

  4. 关于加强和培育企业的执行力文化的探讨

    Discussion on Enhancing and Cultivating the Executive Culture of Enterprises

  5. 护理管理执行力文化的构建与实施

    Practice and Experience of Improving Executive Ability Culture in Nursing Management Executive Force

  6. 试论构建企业执行力文化

    On Construction of Enterprise Executing Culture

  7. 修补我们的“软肋”&执行力文化

    The Culture of Executive Force

  8. 目的构建一套基于执行力文化下的现代医院核心流程体系。

    ConclusionExecution culture is the valuable driving power of modern hospital management , and building execution culture is imperative .

  9. 图书馆执行力文化是图书馆价值观得以体现的根本保证,也是搞好图书馆建设的关键。

    Library culture executive force is the basic ensure to embodiment the values of library and it 's also the key to manage the library work .

  10. 文章结合通用电气、海尔等优秀企业的执行力文化,提出了培育企业执行力文化的思路与策略。

    In combination with the executive culture of some excellent enterprises such as GE and Haier , the thought and strategy of cultivating execution of enterprise culture were put forward .

  11. 从行政文化的角度出发,创建执行力文化,是提高政府执行效力的良好途径。

    Therefore we should base on government 's executive ability , and establish the " culture of executive ability " and make it a good way to improve government 's executive ability .

  12. 认为HT公司必须结合公司自身实际,从战略、运营和人员三方面系统改进,并构建执行力企业文化。

    Think HT must be combined with its own actual , strategy , operations and personnel from three aspects of system improvement , and construction of executive power of enterprise culture .

  13. 政府执行力与行政文化的隐性链接

    The Latent Link between Government 's Excutive Ability and Administrative Culture Executive Force

  14. 以此为基础,对泰康人寿在文化冲突、核心文化缺失、文化执行力差、文化摇摆等四个方面的突出问题进行了深入剖析。

    On this basis , and conducted in-depth analysis of Taikang Life Insurance in the four aspects of cultural conflicts , lack of core culture , culture execution , culture , swing and other outstanding problems .

  15. 全面提升企业的国际竞争力和核心竞争力必须提高企业的自主创新力、资金运筹力、决策执行力和企业文化亲和力。

    To enhance the international competitiveness and core competitiveness of enterprises , the enterprise 's capacities should be improved for independent innovation , financial planning , implementation , decision-making and their cultural affinity should be improved as well .

  16. 三是个人执行力及员工执行文化。

    The third are individual executive force and employee executive culture .

  17. 管理者是战略执行最重要的主体,是塑造执行力文化的关键,是企业执行力的源头。

    Manager who is the main body of strategy execution is the key in the establishment of enterprise executive ability culture .

  18. 第二章:介绍了行政文化、传统行政文化、地方政府执行力的相关内涵及特点,并分析了地方政府执行力提升的行政文化需求。

    Chapter 2 : Describes the administrative culture , traditional administrative culture , force local governments to implement the relevant content and features , and analysis of the local government to enhance the cultural needs of the executive power .

  19. 从建立先进的执行主体观念、建立高效的执行机制、整合优质的执行资源和营造科学的执行力文化环境四个方面进行了阐述。

    From found advanced subject of administration concept , the establishment of effective enforcement mechanisms , integration of resources and execution to create a scientific and cultural environment four aspects are described .