
  • 网络modern chemical industry;modern industry;Modern Chemical Engineering;Modern Chemistry
  1. 催化科学与现代化工

    Catalytic Science and Modern Chemical Industry

  2. 乙烯和丙烯作为重要的有机化工原料,在现代化工中有着举足轻重的地位。

    Ethylene and propylene as two important organic chemical raw materials , have a pivotal position in the modern chemical industry .

  3. 本文仅就开发新型的现代化工业化食品加工行业、无废加工、包装、HACCP质量安全体系、工业化食品加工产业链等问题作一点简要论述。

    In this paper , problems of developing new modernization and industrialization food industries , non-waste manufacture , package materials , HACCP plan , and industrial chain of industrialization food processing will be discussed .

  4. 论现代化工企业商标管理

    A Discussion about Trade Mark Management in Modern Chemical Industry Business

  5. 建设沿江地区现代化工产业带;

    Build up a modern chemical production belt along the Yangtze River .

  6. 现代化工流程报警系统优化算法及应用

    Alarm system optimization algorithm and its application in chemical process

  7. 现代化工企业对高职人才的要求

    The Requirements of Modern Chemical Enterprise To Higher Vocational Technician

  8. 现代化工流程报警系统分析及管理策略

    Alarm System Analysis and Management Strategy for Modern Chemical Process

  9. 这是一个所有东西都是最新式的现代化工厂。

    It was a modern factory everything was really up to date .

  10. 优客橱柜由位于上海的现代化工厂统一生产组装。

    Hilker kitchen are produced in a modern factory based in Shanghai .

  11. 现代化工控制装置的应用及发展

    Developments and Applications of Modern Chemical Control Plants

  12. 可持续发展与现代化工科学

    Sustainable Development and Modern Chemical Science and Technology

  13. 论现代化工企业的跨国经营

    On the Transnational Management of Modern Chemical Enterprises

  14. 现代化工综合实训工厂建设的探讨与实践

    The Discussion and Practice of the Construction of Comprehensive Practice Training Industry for Modern Chemical

  15. 为了追求更高的经济效益,化工企业大量采用了结构复杂的现代化工装备。

    In order to obtain more economic benefits , chemical industries always adopt complex modern chemical plants .

  16. 比起现代化工厂生产的大型船只,丹麦人更青睐造型优雅,大小适中的渔船。

    The Danes prefer the graceful and modest fishing boats to the bigger more modern factory ships .

  17. 本文阐明现代化工厂设计的内涵和最新的工厂设计模式。

    The content of modern factory design and the latest factory design model is introduced in the article .

  18. 然而,现代化工厂能够在废水排泄之前处理掉这些化合物。

    Modern plants , however , remove most of the chemicals from the water before it is discharged .

  19. 现代化工厂使用电动机械和装配线技术生产大量优质产品。

    The modern factory used power-driven machines and assembly line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods .

  20. 任何参观过现代化工厂的人,都会对其高产量及相对稀少的工人感到震惊。

    Anyone who has visited a modern factory will be struck by the high output , and relatively few workers .

  21. 丙烯是一种重要的化工原料,现代化工对丙烯的需求量也是逐年呈快速增长趋势。

    Propylene is an important chemical raw material , which is of increasing demand in chemical industry year by year .

  22. 以循环经济理念构筑现代化工园区&以南京化工园为例

    Study on the development of modern industrial chemical zone with cyclic economy & a case study of Nanjing Chemical Industrial Zone

  23. 从现代化工和高新技术发展的需求出发,论述了化工分离技术的重要性、多样性和复杂性。

    The importance , complexity and recent advances of separation technology are reviewed according to the demand of modern chemical engineering and Hi Tech.

  24. 引入先进的设计理念,建设花园式现代化工厂,力求先进的生产技术与美观的工厂形象相结合。

    Adopting advanced design ideas , constructing garden-type-modernized plant , we made every effort to combine advanced process technique with beautiful plant images .

  25. 装饰匠必须干20个小时的活才能挣到现代化工人8小时就能挣到的收入。

    The producer of ornament must work for twenty hours to obtain the same income of a modern laborer who works for eight hours .

  26. 介绍了适应时代要求的社会环境营销观的内容及对现代化工企业的影响,并对化工企业如何树立新型营销观进行了探讨。

    Presents the content of the social environmental marketing concept , its impact on modern chemical enterprises and how to acquire the new marketing concept .

  27. 螺栓法兰系统作为一种方便的可拆卸连接,在现代化工、航空航天等领域应用非常广泛。

    The gasketed bolted flanges system is widely applied in the fields of modern chemical industry , aviation and aerospace because of its convenient disassembly .

  28. 市区交通发达,通讯、水电等基础设施完善,商业繁荣,金融活跃,是一座新兴的现代化工商业城市。

    Urban traffic developed , communications , utilities and other infrastructure improvement , business prosperity , financial activity , a new modern industrial and commercial city .

  29. 化工自动化水平是现代化工企业重要标志之一,它与化工工艺设备息息相关。

    The automation level in chemical industry , which is closely bound up with chemical processing equipments represents one of the significant signs in modern chemical enterprises .

  30. 该系统具有分布式控制、数据通信高速处理、安全可靠性极高等特点,适用于现代化工厂连续生产设备的过程控制、监视及管理。

    TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENT FOR PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT OF COPPER STRIP The system is applied to process control , supervision and management of continuous production equipment in modern plant .