
  1. 学校现有各类实验室134个,其中5个国家重点实验室,20个省部级重点实验室。

    Fudan University has 134 laboratories of all kinds , including 5 state key laboratories and 20 provincial or ministerial key laboratories .

  2. 有9个国家级以及省部级重点实验室、6个国家级以及省部级工程研究中心、5个博士后流动站。

    The University has 9 state and provincial key laboratories , 6 state and provincial engineering research centers and 5 post-doctorate mobile stations .

  3. 有国家重点实验室4个,国家工程研究中心5个,省部级重点实验室22个。

    It has 4 state key laboratories , 4 national engineering research centers and 22 key laboratories in the provincial and ministerial level .

  4. 建有51个实验室,其中国家级重点实验室一个,部级重点实验室和部级开放实验室9个,一个国家电机工程及电子学教学墓地。

    Up to now NUAA has set up 51 laboratories including 1 National Key Laboratory , 9 ministerial Key Laboratories , 1 National Teaching Base for Electrical Engineering and Electronics .

  5. 学校拥有6个国家和部省级重点学科、一个国家生物科学与技术人才培养基地、11个国家和省部级重点实验室及研究中心。

    There are 6 national and provincial key disciplines and a " National Talent Cultivation Base of Bioscience & Technology " together with 11 national and provincial key labs and research centers .

  6. 本文在论述现代工程测量的发展特色的基础上,较系统地介绍了武汉大学精密工程测量与测量机器人部级重点实验室多年来在现代工程测量方面所进行的研究工作以及取得的部分成果。

    Based on the development of modern engineering geodesy , the research works and some results of the Key Laboratory for Precise Engineering Surveying and Geo-Robot of Wuhan University are introduced in this paper .

  7. 学校非常重视科研工作,拥有一批较强实力的科研机构。建有一个国家级工程技术研究中心、4个省部级重点实验室、3个省部级工程技术中心。

    BUCT has paid great attention to scientific research and has a number of scientific research institutes with great strength , namely 1 national engineering and technology research center , 4 ministry level key laboratories , 3 ministry-level engineering and technology centers .

  8. 拥有5个国家重点学科、2个北京市重点学科、一个国家重点实验室和一个国家工科基础课程教学基地以及20个省部级重点实验室和重点研究机构。

    In addition , CUPS has 5 state key disciplines , 2 Beijing key disciplines , I state key laboratory , 1 state teaching base for engineering basic courses and 20 key laboratories and research institutes in the provincial and ministerial level .

  9. 拥有国家级重点学科6个,国家级重点实验室2个,省级重点学科29个,部级重点实验室6个,省高校重点实验室16个;

    At the university , there exist 6 national key academic disciplines , 2 national key laboratories , 29 provincial key academic disciplines , 6 ministerial key laboratories , 16 university key laboratories , a nation 's engineering and technology promotion center ,

  10. 北航拥有研究所、研究中心等各类研究机构65个,11个国家重点学科,89个实验室(包括5个国家级重点实验室、5个国家专业实验室、巧个省部级重点实验室)。

    It has 65 research institutes or interdisciplinary research centers 11 key disciplines of the national level , and 89 laboratories ( including 5 national key laboratories , 5 national specialized laboratories and 15 provincial or ministerial-level key laboratories ) . The celebration of BUAA 's 50 eventful years signifies an even more promising future .

  11. 设有研究生院和继续教育学院学校拥有19个国家级重点学科,14个部级重点学科一;10个博士后流动站;2个国家级重点实验室,18个部级重点实验室;4个国家级研究中心,9个部级研究中心。

    CAU is now has 19 state key disciplines , 14 ministry key disciplines , 10 post doctorate stations . 2 state key laboratories , 18 ministry key laboratories , 4 state research centers and 9 ministry research centers .