
  • 网络vocational college students;professional student
  1. 试论英语阅读能力的提高与培养论高职生综合素质的提高与培养

    A Discussion on the Development and Fostering of English Reading Abilities Enhancement and the raise of synthesizes the quality by senior professional student

  2. 对纠正高职生不良写作习惯的思考

    Correcting the Bad Writing Habits of the Vocational College Students

  3. 校企共建BPO业务基地促进高职生就业的研究

    Study on Impetus to the Employment of Vocational College Students through Co-build Base of BPO Service by College and Enterprise

  4. 本研究还采用了《应付方式问卷》考察高职生面临应激源时所采用的主要的应付方式:用《SCL-90症状自评量表》测查高职生的心理健康状况;

    This study also uses " the Questionnaire on the Coping Styles " to examine the main coping styles when the HPE students are faced by stressors , and " the Scale of Self-evaluation on SCL-90 Symptoms " to study the mental health condition of the HPE students .

  5. 关于高职生在数学学习中的自卑情结及教学策略

    Humility-complex of Higher Vocational Students in Learning Mathematics And Teaching Solution

  6. 116名高职生参与了测试。

    And there are 116 students take part in the test .

  7. 试论高职生外语自主学习能力的培养外语自主学习的理论与实践基础

    The Theoretical and Practical Foundations for Autonomy in Foreign Languages Learning

  8. 创设环境、树立班风是高职生思想政治工作的重要环节;

    Creating environment and establishing class atmosphere is the significant sector .

  9. 试论高职生综合职业素质培养

    On Training Comprehensive Qualities of Pharmaceutical Students in High Vocational Colleges

  10. 激发高职生学习动力的策略新思考

    New Consideration of Arousing the Learning Motive of Vocational School Student

  11. 口才就是力量&高职生社会化职业化必须具备口才技能

    Eloquence is strength Eloquence of College Students in Socialization and Profession

  12. 高职生心理健康教育模式研究

    Model of Mental Health Education among students of Higher Vocational School

  13. 高职生语用能力诱导的心理机制

    The Psychological System for Inducing the Pragmatic Competence of College Students

  14. 高职生社会责任感培养新思考

    Reflections on the Cultivation of Vocational Students ' Sense of Social Responsibility

  15. 影响高职生学习英语的因素及对策

    Factors Influencing the Students ' English Learning and their Countermeasures

  16. 对高职生实施主体性教育的课堂教学设计

    Classroom instructional design for vocational college students under quality education

  17. 高职生数学学习策略的调查分析与教学研究

    Inquiring Analysis and Teaching Research of Strategy for Vocational College Mathematics Study

  18. 结果263名高职生有心理症状的占6.8%,男女生在人际关系敏感、焦虑、恐怖和精神病性等因子差异有统计学意义;

    Results The incidence of psychological symptoms was 6.8 % .

  19. 论现代礼仪与形体训练对高职生的影响

    On the Effect of Modern Proprieties Physique Education on High Vocational Students

  20. 为构建和谐社会,塑造人格健康的高职生

    To build harmonious society , portraying the healthy personality students

  21. 高职生英语学习焦虑状况调查及思考

    Investigation into and Reflections on Higher Vocational College Students'Anxiety in English Learning

  22. 培养高职生自主学习能力的理性思考

    Rational Thinking about Training Higher Vocational Students ' Self-study Ability

  23. 简论提高高职生就业率的主要途径

    On Approaches to High Employment Rate of Vocational College Students

  24. 高职生总体幸福感与生活事件的相关研究

    General Well-Being and Self-Rating Life Events of Polytechnic College Students

  25. 体育高职生心理问题的检出率为9.4%;

    The rate of mental problems found was 9.4 % among the P.E.

  26. 院校背景影响了高职生职业可能自我的发展水平。

    College background influences higher vocational colleges students ' work possible selves .

  27. 由多元智能理论引发对高职生学习评价的思考

    On the appraisal of High Vocational Students by the Multi Intelligence Theory

  28. 高职生礼仪教育应该从哪几方面入手。

    In what ways should Etiquette education be taught for vocational students ?

  29. 浅析护理高职生的素质教育

    Analyzing the quality education of vocational students of nursing science

  30. 文章就高职生的创业教育及保障体系进行了初浅的探讨和分析。

    This article will introduce the entrepreneurial education and its support system .