
  • 网络high pressure piping
  1. 管道伸缩弯应按高压管道设置;

    Design the piping extension and contraction bending as high pressure piping .

  2. 地炉煨弯在高压管道安装中的应用

    Use of Field Furnace to Simmer Elbow in High Pressure Piping Installation

  3. 结果表明,TEM检测系统可以对油田高温高压管道的平均管壁厚度进行检测,并具有较高的灵敏度。

    The conclusion shows TEM inspection system may inspect average thickness of pipeline , and it has higher sensitivity .

  4. 分析了2008年上海城市天然气用户高峰周的负荷曲线,采用高压管道、高压球罐以及LNG调峰站共同承担调峰任务,确保正常安全供气。

    The load curve of the peak week for Shanghai urban natural gas users in 2008 is analyzed . High-pressure pipeline , high-pressure spherical gasholder and LNG peak-shaving station will be used together for peak-shaving to assure normal safe gas supply .

  5. 随机激励下高压管道的疲劳寿命分析

    Estimation of fatigue life of pressure piping system under random excitations

  6. 小氮肥装置合成塔出口高压管道检验

    Inspection of High Pressure Piping form Synthetic in Nitrogen Fertilizer Unit

  7. 良好的效果只限于高压管道的局部。

    Success has been limited to minor sectors of high-pressure piping .

  8. 以围岩为承载体的高压管道设计准则与工程应用

    Design criteria and engineering application of concrete-lined high pressure power tunnels

  9. 城镇高压管道阀门及执行机构的选择

    The select of valve enforce equipment for high pressure pipeline in town

  10. 天然气高压管道带气通球清管的分析

    Analysis of Online Purging of High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline

  11. 高压管道螺纹连接强度的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Strength of Thread Joint for High Pressure Pipeline

  12. 往复压缩机超高压管道的振动分析与消减措施

    Vibration analysis and eliminating measures of super-high pressure piping for reciprocating compressor

  13. 上海天然气高压管道外防腐涂层的选择

    Choice of Anti-corrosion outer Coating in HP Pipeline of Shanghai Natural gas

  14. 高压管道脉动与振动控制及其软件包开发

    Control of high-pressure piping pulsation and vibration and development of software package

  15. 防止超高压管道腐蚀开裂措施的研究

    Investigation on measure for preventing corrosion cracking on super high pressure pipe

  16. 地下高压管道的联合承压计算

    The calculation for the combined pressure bearing of high pressure underground conduit

  17. 瞬态模拟计算在城市燃气高压管道设计的应用

    Application of Transient Simulation in High-pressure City Gas Pipeline Design

  18. 高压管道埋弧自动焊的问题分析及处理措施

    Problems Analysis on High-pressure Pipes with Submerged Arc Automatic Welding and Countermeasures

  19. 高压管道黄土塌陷情况下的力学分析与计算

    Failure of High Pressure Pipeline under Collapse of Loess

  20. 广蓄电站高压管道排水系统布置

    Arrangement of Drainage System for High Pressure Pipelines of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station

  21. 城市燃气高压管道瞬态流动模型的有限差分解法

    Solution of Finite-Difference for Transient Flow Model of High-Pressure Pipeline of City Gas

  22. 高压管道裂纹不停车应急处理一例

    Case of On-line Emergency Handling of High-pressure Pipeline Cracking

  23. 外腐蚀直接评价方法在某高压管道中的应用

    Application of a Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology to a High-pressure Pipeline

  24. 采用导波杆方式超声检测高温高压管道壁厚的方法

    Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement Method for High Pressure and Temperature Tube by Waveguide Bar

  25. 高压管道安装技术

    Assembling Technology for High Pressure Pipe line

  26. 管道内防腐补口新技术&高压管道速接头

    New Technique of High Pressure Pipe Snap Joints Used in Pipeline Connection of Anticorrosive Coating

  27. 城市天然气高压管道完整性管理

    Integrity Management of Natural Gas High-Pressure Pipeline

  28. 高压管道储气在燃气输配系统的使用条件

    Utilization Condition of Gas Storage with High Pressure Pipeline in Gas Transmission and Distribution System

  29. 从而在保证高压管道压力稳定的情况下,减少系统的压力浪费。

    Reduce pressure waste of system in the case of steady pressure of high-pressure pipeline .

  30. 十三陵抽水蓄能电站2~高压管道特大塌方机理分析及其工程处理

    Analysis of the rockslide and its treatment of penstock No.2 of the ming tombs pumped storage power-plant