
  • 网络senior technician;advanced mechanics
  1. 福州电力高级技工学校冰蓄冷空调系统的应用与测试

    Application and Test of the Ice Thermal Storage System Used in Fuzhou Electrical Senior Technician School

  2. 高级技工诊断生产活动的认知策略的汇编栅格法研究

    A repertory grid method study on cognitive tactics of senior technicians

  3. 经测试排课子系统运行良好,并通过Web系统整合成功集成到了重庆市五一高级技工学校校园数字化项目中,项目已顺利上线,投入正常使用且运行良好。

    With the help of web system , it is integrated into Campus Digitization Project of Wuyi School successfully . The project is online now , and runs well .

  4. XT公司高级技工培训方案分析与改进研究

    Research on the Training Program for High-class Mechanics in XT Company

  5. 第三部分,介绍并评价了XT公司高级技工的培训开发方案。

    The third part : Analyzing and evaluating the training program for high-class mechanics in XT Company .

  6. 同时,以秦皇岛市高级技工学校为个案,对技工学校引入ISO9000质量管理体系的具体方法及运行效果进行了实证分析。

    Selecting Qinhuangdao Senior Technical School as a case , it discusses detailed steps and effects of introducing ISO9000 Quality Management System . 5 .

  7. 广东省高级技工学校第二教学楼设计

    Design of No. 2 Teaching Building of Guangdong Senior Vestibule school

  8. 高级技工教育实验教学方案探析

    Exploration of Experimental Teaching Programs for Higher Technical Education

  9. 汽车检测与维修高级技工职业活动导向课程开发的实践与研究

    Research on the Development of Career-Oriented Curriculum for Vehicle Maintenance and Testing Specialty

  10. 赣州高级技工学校滑坡成因分析及稳定性评价

    Formation causes analyses and stability evaluation of landslide at Ganzhou senior technical school

  11. 高级技工人才短缺的现状、症结及对策

    Great Shortage of Senior Mechanic

  12. 然而,目前我国劳动力市场高级技工匮乏的现象十分严重,培养和提高职工技能素质的任务迫在眉睫。

    So it is extremely urgent to develop and improve the technical ability of workers and staff members .

  13. 高级技工作为一种重要的知识型员工,对企业的发展起着关键的作用。

    As an important kind of knowledge workers , the advanced technicians play a key role in the enterprise development .

  14. 随着我国经济的发展,对高级技工的需求数量增加和质量要求的提高,我国高级技工的短缺现象日益凸显。

    With the economic development in China , advanced technicians are greatly needed in terms of both quantity and quality .

  15. 三明市高级技工学校每年源源不断地向包括林德在内等国内知名企业对口输送专业人才。

    Sanming Advance Technician School provided lots of graduates for companies across China every year , including Linde in Xiamen .

  16. 该项目是五一高级技工学校的重点建设项目,旨在规范学校业务流程,消除校园信息孤岛,创建新的教育和工作模式。

    This project is aimed to eliminate information isolated island of campus , create new model of education and school working .

  17. 广州白云工商高级技工学校建校21年,是一所很具有代表性的民办职校。

    Guangzhou Baiyun Commerce techs school had already founded for 21 years , which is a very typical private-run vocational colleges .

  18. 高级技工人才短缺已严重困扰了企业的发展,已经成为制约我国经济发展的一个瓶颈。

    The great shortage of senior mechanic has seriously restricted enterprise 's development , and became a bottleneck that hindered the development of our country economy .

  19. 白领岗位失业率居高不下,用人单位苦于找不到高级技工。

    While there remains serious unemployment in the white collar job sector , companies are finding it hard to fill many technical and skilled manufacturing positions .

  20. 然而,技术工人,尤其是高级技工的短缺,却阻碍了我国成为世界工厂的脚步。

    However , the shortage of skilled workers , especially the senior skilled workers , has hindered our country from becoming into " world factory " .

  21. 高职院校毕业生在很多的项目中担任高级技工、工程师的重要角色,在整个社会主义建设中发挥着基础性的作用,他们的素质的高低、能力的强弱直接关系到一项工程的完成的质量。

    Graduates of higher vocational colleges always are senior technicians or engineers in the projects , their capacity is directly related to the quality of the projects .

  22. 当前机械行业一线的重要人力资源&高级技工奇缺,已严重制约了机械工业的发展。

    Important human resources in the present mechanical trade & the senior skilled worker in exceedingly short supply has already restricted the development of the mechanical industry seriously .

  23. 此文是从供给和需求量方面分析其原因所在,并对高级技工的开发提出粗浅的建议。

    In this thesis the author analyses the reasons from two sides , supply and demand , and puts forward some suggestion of the development of senior skilled workers .

  24. 高等职业教育不同于普通高等教育的人才培养模式,它的办学宗旨在于培养具有较强专业技术、实用的高级技工和技师。

    The mode of higher vocational education is different from that of general higher education , which aims to bring up the skilled workers , high-level technician and mechanic .

  25. 本文课题背景为重庆市五一高级技工学校校园数字化项目的教务排课子系统。

    The background of this thesis is course schedule system of educational administration which is the subsystem of Campus Digitization Project of Wuyi senior secondary technical training school in Chongqing .

  26. 本文拟从高级技工短缺的现状出发,分析其短缺的原因,从而提出解决我国高级技工短缺的一些对策和建议。

    This article is aimed to analyse the causes why advanced technicians are in short based on the present situation , and to come up with some countermeasures and suggestions .

  27. 普通高等学校适度发展社会急需专业本科规模,严加控制与本科专业雷同的专科专业,大力发展培养高级技工的职业技术专科。

    The ordinary colleges and universities should moderately develop the undergraduate education which are in dire need by society , strictly control the training specialties which are identical with the undergraduate specialties , and energetically develop the vocational education which train the technician .

  28. 高级技工人才短缺,固然与经济发展迅速、劳动力需求增长加快有关,但与我们的教育体制、社会氛围、思想观念也不无关系,且影响较大。

    The shortage of senior mechanic no doubt is related to the rapid development of economic and the demand growth of labor , but also relevant to our educational system , the social atmosphere , the thought idea , and the latter has greater influence .

  29. 在此基础上,对专业英语复合型管理的概念及途径进行论述,进一步阐明在高级技工学校专业英语课程复合型管理的意义,以期达到对高级技工学校外语课程的全面构建与管理。

    Moreover , it also discussed about the concepts and approaches of the compound management to the technical English curricula , and further illustrated the meanings of the compound management so as to obtain the complete construction and management to the curricula of foreign languages in senior technical schools .