
  • 网络high alumina fly ash;high-alumina flyash
  1. 高铝粉煤灰加入量对Al2O3-SiC-C浇注料抗高炉渣性能的影响

    Influence of high alumina fly ash addition on corrosion resistance to BF slag of Al_2O_3-SiC-C castables

  2. 结果表明随着高铝粉煤灰加入量的增加并达到9%时,Al2O3-SiC-C质浇注料的线变化率略有增大,抗渣性能与未添加粉煤灰的浇注料的相当;

    The results showed that the additions of 0 ~ 9 % high alumina fly ash did not affect the slag resistance evidently .

  3. Y2O3对高铝粉煤灰合成莫来石的影响

    Effect of Y_2O_3 on Synthesizing Mullite from High Alumina Fly-Ash

  4. 在一定高铝粉煤灰和配Fe量的条件下,还原制取的Fe-Al-Si合金中的Al、Si含量均随还原温度升高而增高;

    Appropriate high aluminum pulverized coal and certain Fe , Al and Si in extract Fe-Al-Si alloys raises higher accompanied by reductive temperature .

  5. 高铝粉煤灰与Na2CO3的烧结反应产物霞石,与HCl反应进行硅铝分离与提纯。

    The reacted product Nepheline baked high-alumina fly ash with Na2CO3 , was acid soaked with HCl .

  6. 采用XRD、SEM手段研究了NaF添加量和烧结温度对高铝粉煤灰合成刚玉-莫来石材料的性能、晶体结构和显微形态的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of temperature and NaF on the properties , crystal structure , and morphology of corundum-mullite materials prepared from fly ash and bauxite were studied in detail by XRD and SEM .

  7. 电热还原高铝粉煤灰制取Fe-Al-Si合金的试验研究

    Test study of electric heat reducing high aluminum powder coal ash to exacted Fe-Al-Si

  8. 石膏对高铝粉煤灰蒸压制品强度的影响

    Effect of Gypsum on Strength of Autoclaved Products with High-Volume-Aluminum Fly Ash

  9. 高铝粉煤灰中部分主微量元素的分布规律研究

    Distribution of some major and trace elements in high aluminum fly ash

  10. 利用高铝粉煤灰制备氧化铝的实验研究

    Study of Preparation of Aluminum Oxide from High-alumina Fly Ash

  11. 高铝粉煤灰中莫来石及硅酸盐玻璃相的热分解过程

    Thermal Decomposition of Mullite and Silicate Glass in High - Alumina Fly Ash

  12. 利用高铝粉煤灰制备莫来石微晶玻璃的实验研究

    Preparation of Mullite Glass-ceramics from High Alumina Fly Ash : An Experimental Study

  13. 高铝粉煤灰和霞石正长岩烧结产物的溶解反应;

    Dissolution reactions of the sintering products of the high-alumina flyash and nepheline syenite ;

  14. 霞石正长岩和高铝粉煤灰利用技术中的硅酸盐烧结反应;

    Sintering reactions in utilizations of nepheline syenite and high - ( alumina ) flyash ;

  15. 高铝粉煤灰和镁橄榄石性能优化及在高炉炮泥中应用研究

    Study on Performance Optimization and Application for Taphole Clay of High Alumina Fly Ash and Forsterite

  16. 以高铝粉煤灰为主要原料,采用粉末烧结法制备出莫来石微晶玻璃。

    The mullite glass-ceramics was prepared with high alumina fly ash as principal raw materials by powder sintering method .

  17. 当高铝粉煤灰添加量增加并达到12%时,试样的抗高炉渣侵蚀的能力开始较明显下降。

    As the addition of high alumina fly ash reached 12 % , the slag resistance of the specimen began to decline .

  18. 首先根据高铝粉煤灰的物相组成特点采用新的分离方法将之分离为三个相(或相组合):铁质微珠、莫来石-刚玉相以及玻璃相;

    Firstly , the fly ash is separated into three parts according to its mineralogical composition , they are ferruginous spheres , mullite-corundum and glass phases .

  19. 方法利用测量限制膨胀率的方法观察高铝粉煤灰与硬石膏混合后对水泥砂浆试件的补偿收缩效果。

    This paper has researched on different kinds of light aggregates as well as positive effect of content of light aggregate to restrained expansion rate of shrinkage compensating concrete .

  20. 现今,我国内蒙古中西部地区出现的一种新的粉煤灰类型(其氧化铝含量高达50%左右),是一种高铝粉煤灰,与我国中级品位铝土矿中的氧化铝含量相近。

    A new type high alumina fly ash appear in the midwest of mongolia in our country , which alumina level as high as fifty percent or so , the alumina content is the equivalent of which in the intermediate bauxite .