
  • 网络straw power generation
  1. 生物质秸秆发电技术研究进展与分析

    Development and analysis of biomass straw power generation technology

  2. 本文概括地介绍了秸秆发电的燃料采集的政策方针,边际条件。

    This paper generally introduced the policy and boundary condition of fuel collection for straw power generation .

  3. 清洁发展机制(CDM)给秸秆发电项目带来的国际融资机遇

    The opportunity of international funds for the straw generating project brought by clean development mechanism

  4. 关于东北地区玉米秸秆发电的探讨

    Discussion on the generation technology of cornstalk in north-east of China

  5. 秸秆发电技术及设备选型分析

    Analysis of straw generating technology and selection of the equipments

  6. 黄色秸秆发电锅炉给料系统安装调试及问题分析

    Commission and Failure Analysis on Boiler Feeder System in Yellow Straw-based Generation

  7. 提升秸秆发电产业的自主创新能力

    Improvement on the creativity of the straw generation industry

  8. 秸秆发电的燃料采集的研究

    A study on fuel collection for straw power generation

  9. 秸秆发电商品化前景分析

    Commercial Market Analysis of Straw Fired Technology in China

  10. 介休市秸秆发电项目大气污染物排放分析

    Analysis on the Atmospheric Pollutant of Jiexiu City 's Straw Power Generation Project

  11. 浅谈秸秆发电技术

    Simple discuss on the generation technology of straw

  12. 探索新能源的利用&秸秆发电

    Exploration on the Utilization of a New Energy & the Electricity Generation by Crop Straws

  13. 秸秆发电燃料收加储运过程模拟分析以木材为燃料的发电厂

    Simulation analysis on fuel collection , processing , storage and transportation used in straw power plant

  14. 秸秆发电项目前期操作应重点关注的问题

    Focal point question of pay close attention for the earlier stage operation of straw generating project

  15. 秸秆发电技术的主要难点是锅炉制造部分和秸秆燃料的输送,而燃料系统又是生物发电极其重要的一环。

    The major difficulties are boiler manufacturing and straw handling , which is crucial to biomass power generation .

  16. 伴随着目前秸秆发电厂的兴建,提取秸秆燃烧后草木灰中丰富的生物钾资源受到越来越广泛的重视。

    With currently enormous construction of the straw power generation , leaching of abundant biotic potassium in the plant ash is catching more and more attention .

  17. 即植物从空气中取二氧化碳,进行光合作用,然后贮存能量与物质,秸秆发电就是用其中的能量。

    The crop use the carbon in the air to photosynthesize , and then store energy and materials , which are the exact energy consumed by straw burning .

  18. 生物质发电顾名思义就是利用生物质所具有的生物质能进行发电,而秸秆发电属于生物质发电中最普遍的一种。

    Just as its name implies is to use biomass power generation biomass is the biomass energy for Power generation , and straw biomass power generation power belongs to the most common one .

  19. 本文介绍了国内外生物质能发电技术的研究和应用情况,重点讲述了秸秆发电、沼气发电和垃圾发电三种发电技术的发电方式与主要设备以及目前存在的问题。

    This article introduces research and utilization situations of biomass power generation technology in home and abroad , and generation technologies , main framework and problems of straw power generation , methane power generation , rubbish power generation are especially concerned .

  20. 为实现中国的农作物秸秆发电技术研究和应用达到国际先进水平这一目标,面临几项关键问题,从几个方面论述了这些问题,并且给出了初步的解决方案。

    In order to realize the aim that the research and application of biomass power generation technology will achieve the international advanced level , there are several key problems needing attention , so these problems are discussed in some respects and the primary resolutions are proposed .

  21. 农作物秸秆燃烧发电除尘方式的探讨

    Discuss on dust divided manner of crop straw combustion electricity generation

  22. 中国秸秆生物质发电区域适宜度分异评价

    Differentiation evaluation on regional suitability of crop straw resources utilization in China

  23. 影响该市秸秆供热发电项目资源可供性的因素较多。

    There are many elements can effect on the provision of co-generation project in the city .

  24. 一种有潜力的生物燃料原料&秸秆秸秆发电燃料收加储运过程模拟分析

    A potential feedstock for biofuel & stover ; Simulation analysis on fuel collection , processing , storage and transportation used in straw power plant

  25. 以装机容量为25MW的秸秆直燃发电系统为研究对象,对其进行生命周期评价,以系统、全面地评价它对生态环境的显见和潜在的影响。

    This paper takes 25 MW , biomass direct combustion power generation system as an example . The obvious and potential impacts of this system on environment have been evaluated by life cycle assessment .

  26. 秸秆替代煤发电的外部效应测算分析

    Measurement and Analysis on Externality Effect of Power Generation Substitution of Straw for Coal

  27. 浅析秸秆直接燃烧发电技术的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Stalk-fired Power Generation Technology

  28. 作为一种生物质利用技术,秸秆直燃发电能够为广大农村地区提供清洁的能源。

    As one bioenergy technology , straw-fired cogeneration technology can provide clean energy in rural areas in China .

  29. 随着化石能源的短缺及其带来的环境问题日益严重、秸秆直接燃烧发电技术的推广和普及成为国内外关注的热点。

    With fossil fuels exhausting and environment pollution increasingly serious , Generating technology by straw direct combustion is becoming the focus of attention at home and abroad .

  30. 秸秆直接燃烧供热发电项目上网电价初步测算

    The preliminary estimation of the selling price in the grid of straw-fired ( heat supply ) power generation projects in China