
  1. 生物质能转换形式及秸秆气化技术

    Conversion Form of Biomass Energy and Straw Gasification Technology

  2. 南方地区秸秆气化技术应用特点

    Applied Features of Gasification Technology For The straw produced in South of China

  3. 介绍了秸秆气化技术的发展现状。

    In this paper the development of straw gasification technology has been introduced .

  4. 秸秆气化技术,是在鼓风机的作用下,将秸秆等生物质原料在高温状态下热解气化、能量转换过程。

    The technology of stalk gasification low inhaling is a technology that converts biological materials such as straw into energy by a air blower in a high temperature state .

  5. 农作物秸秆气化利用技术与商业化经营案例分析

    Case analysis of crop straw gasification use technology and commercialization operation

  6. 需要开发的关键技术有秸秆生物气化技术、沼气净化提纯技术和催化合成技术等。

    The key technologies required for the development of biogas industrialization include biogasification of crop straws , biogas up-grading and catalyzing technologies .

  7. 秸秆气化集中供气技术产业化发展评价及其市场前景分析

    Assessment for Industrialization of Straw Gasification Technology for Rural Cooking Gas Supply

  8. 秸秆气化集中供气技术在农村地区的应用

    The application of centralized gas supply through straw gasifying technology in rural areas

  9. 高寒地区秸秆气化集中供气技术应用研究

    Applied Research on the Technology of Central Gas with the Straw Gasification in Alpine Region

  10. 阐述了生物质能转换利用的主要形式,并对秸秆气化集中供气技术做了重点介绍。

    This article explains the primary form of biomass conversion and introduces the technology of straw gasification and gas centralized supply .

  11. 秸秆气化集中供气系统技术评价

    Technical Assessment on Rural Cooking Gas Supply System for Straw Gasification