
  • 网络gasification;pyrolysis gasification
  1. 基于CAO技术的干馏热解气化焚烧系统的研发

    Research and Development of CAO-based Incinerator System of Retort Pyrolysis Gasification

  2. 新鲜生物质热解气化半焦特性的XRD研究

    Pyrolysis Gasification Semicoke Characteristics of Fresh Biomass by XRD

  3. 吡啶热解气化过程HCN和NH3的生成规律

    Formation Rules of HCN and NH_3 from Pyrolysis and Gasification of Pyridine

  4. 运用全谱直读等离子(ICP)发射光谱仪确定了废轮胎等离子热解气化固体产物中的微量金属元素的含量。

    An investigation of distribution of some trace elements in solid product from thermal plasma pyrolysis of waste type was undertaken by means of ICP-AES .

  5. 本文介绍了热解气化技术和CAO技术的特点,针对我国固体废物、医疗废物的特点,设计基于CAO技术的焚烧系统,介绍了系统的结构组成以及工艺流程。

    This paper introduces the characteristic of the pyrolysis technology and the CAO technology . In view of the the characteristic of solid waste and medical waste , the author designs an incinerator system base on CAO technology and analyzes the construction and the process flow of this system .

  6. 医疗垃圾外热式固定床热解气化技术

    Pyrolysis and Gasification Technology of Medical Wastes in External Heated Fixed-bed Reactor

  7. 催化剂的加入和生物质中的水分对生物质的热解气化有利。

    Catalysts and moisture are favorable to the pyrolysis gasification of biomass .

  8. 生物质热解气化技术的研究现状及其发展

    Present Situation of Biomass and Gasification Technology and Its Development

  9. 水蒸汽流态化条件下煤的热解气化综合过程模型研究

    Study of coal gasification modeling in steam fluidized gasifier

  10. 典型城市生活垃圾组分流化床热解气化特性及反应机理研究

    Research on Pyrolysis & Gasification Characteristics of Typical MSW Components in Fluidized Beds

  11. 水蒸气氛围下甘蔗渣热解气化条件的研究

    The research of conditions for pyrolysis and gasification of sugarcane bagasse in steam

  12. 城市固体废弃物热解气化处理气化段模型

    Model Gasification Stage in Pyrolysis and Gasification Treatment Process of Municipal Solid Waste

  13. 锥形流化床生物质热解气化技术研究

    Technical investigation of biomass pyrolysis gasification with conical fluidized-bed

  14. 生物质热解气化制备二甲醚合成气的灰关联分析

    Grey relation analysis of producing dimethyl ether syngas from biomass pyrolysis and gasification

  15. LXRF立式旋转热解气化焚烧炉焚烧优化控制与诊断系统

    An Optimized Control and Diagnosis System for Novel Incinerator

  16. 纸类废弃物流化床热解气化研究

    Fluidized - bed pyrolysis and gasification of waste paper

  17. 甘蔗渣在水蒸汽氛围中热解气化制取合成气的研究

    Research of Producing Synthesized Gas by Pyrolysis and Gasification of Sugarcane Bagasse in Steam

  18. 干馏热解气化焚烧的影响因素分析

    Influencing Factor Analysis of Retort Pyrolysis Gasification Incineration

  19. 医疗垃圾热解气化的原理

    Principle of Pyrolysis and Gasification of Medical Wastes

  20. 本文采用在水蒸汽氛围下热解气化的方法,对甘蔗渣的热解气化特性进行了研究。

    This paper investigated the features of pyrolysis and gasification of sugarcane bagasse in steam .

  21. 热解气化技术作为一种非常重要的生物质热化学转换技术,受到越来越多的关注。

    As a key thermochemical conversion technology of biomass energy , thermal gasification technology is an increasing concern .

  22. 矿物质对煤中硫氮在热解气化过程中迁移变化的催化作用

    The catalytic effects of minerals in coal on transition of nitrogen and sulfur during coal pyrolysis and gasification

  23. 为掌握煤的热解气化特性及煤的有效利用提供了参考依据。

    It is provided as a reference for holding the pyrolysis gasification character and efficacious utilization of coal .

  24. 一种带有产气热裂解装置的新型热解气化炉的实验研究

    An Experimental Analysis of a New Kind of Pyrolysis Gas Producer with a Raw Gas Thermal Cracking Device

  25. 随着生物质热解气化的深入,生物质逐渐脱除了非碳原子,其结构趋于有序化;

    Non carbon atom is detached from biomass and its structure tends to be in order as further pyrolysis gasification .

  26. 根据生物质快速热解气化的要求,设计制造了一套适宜于实验室研究的小型气固顺重力场下行流化床生物质热解气化装置。

    A small type downflow fluidized bed reactor for biomass fast pyrolysis suitable for research in laboratory leval was designed .

  27. 这些技术涉及垃圾卫生填埋、垃圾梦烧、垃圾衍生燃料技术、垃圾厌氧发酵和垃圾的热解气化等。

    The technology in municipal solid waste treatment includes disposal , combustion , refuse derived fuel technology , MSW anaerobic ferment , pyrolysis and gasification .

  28. 现在,生物质热解气化被用作生产燃料气的普遍技术路线,生产的燃料气被广泛应用于锅炉、发动机、气轮机或燃料电池。

    At present , gasification is taken as a popular technical route to produce fuel gas for application in boilers , engine , gas turbine or fuel cell .

  29. 在小型固定床反应器上进行了新鲜草和小麦秸秆的催化热解气化制富氢燃料气的研究。

    The catalytic pyrolysis gasification of fresh grass ( GR ) and wheat straw ( WS ) for production of hydrogen rich gas was investigated in a little fixed-bed gasification experimental system .

  30. 热解气化过程中,促进焦油的裂解使之转化为高热值煤气,对高挥发分劣质煤和生物质燃料的清洁高效利用具有重要的意义。

    It is very important for clean and efficient utility of low rank coal with high volatile matter or biomass to decrease the tar yield and cracking it into high calorie gas during gasification .