
rè tài qǐ dònɡ
  • hot starting;hot start
  1. 300MW汽轮机热态启动加负荷过程中轴承振动的分析和对策

    The Analysis and Countermeasure about the Bearing Vibration Increase of the Steam Turbine during the Hot Starting and the Add Load Course

  2. 通过计算得到了锅炉冷态启动和热态启动的优化曲线。并应用于某电厂300MW机组1025t/h锅炉实际运行,效果良好。

    Optimized starting curves for the boiler 's cold and hot starting have been calculated and applied with good results to a 1 025 t / h boiler of a certain power plant 's 300 MW set .

  3. 国产200MW机组热态启动存在的问题及对策

    Problems Existing in the Hot Start of Indigenous 200 MW Generating Units and Countermeasures

  4. 200MW机组热态启动问题分析与两班制调峰运行方式的探讨

    Analysis on the Hot Start of 200 MW Units and Discussion on Their Operating Mode of Two-shift Peak Load Covering

  5. 压火6~7h后可以直接热态启动,热态启动时间约为30min,温态启动时间与启动时的床温有关,一般在30~60min。

    The temperature maintains about 6 to 7 hours to restart without burning oil , which spend 30 min or so . The total time for warm start-up is related with bed temperature , usually 30 to 60 min.

  6. 分析了200MW机组热态启动中存在的问题和影响因素,提出了实施200MW机组热态启动的建议和措施,以指导200MW机组两班制调峰运行。

    Based upon the analysis of problems existing during the hot start of 200 MW generating units and affecting factors , the proposals and measures of carrying out hot start of 200 MW generating units are put forward to direct cyclic load regulation operation .

  7. 温态、热态启动中的最佳温度匹配方式探讨

    Discussion of the optimum temperature mismatch for hot turbine start up

  8. 汽机热态启动切缸时高缸保护动作原因浅析

    Analysis on the High Protection of Tanks Hot Turbine Start-cylinder Cutting Action

  9. 高温高压机组热态启动负胀差问题的解决

    Solve of the Negative Expand Difference Problem in the Case of Thermal-state Start of High-temperature and High-pressure teams

  10. 220t/h循环流化床锅炉的安全压火及热态启动探讨

    Discussion of Safety Fire Blanking and Boiler Hot Start-up to 220 t / h Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  11. 以400t/h锅炉为例,通过计算得到了冷态启动和热态启动的优化曲线。

    The curves of cold state start-up and heat state start-up process of 400T / H boiler drum are presented with the optimal model .

  12. 针对发动机低温启动过程中存在的问题,通过在启动阶段实施发动机局部预热的方法,探讨发动机低温热态启动的基本理论。

    According to the problems in its start-up , discussion is made on the principles of the engine heat start-up in low temperature and given the method of start-up in partial pre-heat .

  13. 高温高压机组热态启动往往要出现负胀差超标问题,影响机组启动的安全性。

    The superscale problem of negative expand difference often take place in the case of thermal-state start of high-temperature and high-pressure units , and this problem influences starting safety of the units .

  14. 该系统燃烧性能稳定,能实现机组冷、热态启动及低负荷稳燃,节油效果明显,经济效益显著,完全达到了工业应用条件。

    The system can combust well and steadily , especially at cold start , hot start-up and lower load situation , which has oil-saving and better economic benefit , and reaches completely to the industrial operation condition .

  15. 大容量旁路系统不仅能缩短启动时间,且能使锅炉直接进入纯直流状态运行,有利于热态启动机炉蒸汽参数的配合。

    With large-capacity bypass system , the unit start-up time can be shortened and the boiler can directly operate in one-through conditions , which is helpful for the coordination of boiler and turbine parameters in case of hot start-up .

  16. 最后讨论了冷态启动、热态启动及变负荷中应考虑的原则,提出用微型计算机进行寿命管理并不困难,关键在于提供调节级后汽温的可靠信号源。

    Finally the paper discusses a philosophy applicable to cold starts , warm starts and load changes , pointing out the practicability of using microcomputers for life management , the most vital problem being to obtain reliable sensors for the steam temperature after regulation stage .

  17. 介绍采用中压缸启动汽轮机组的系统配置及设计依据,简要记述中压缸冷态启动和热态启动的主要操作,总结了采用中压缸启动方式的优越性。

    This paper introduces using middle pressure cylinder to start system configuration of turbine set and design basis , It simply records and narrates the basic operation of cool and hot state starting of middle pressure cylinder , and summarize the advantage of using middle pressure cylinder start mode .

  18. 通过分析计算,丰城电厂660MW超临界机组选择35%容量的两级串联旁路系统可以满足所要求的各项功能,实现较好的机炉匹配,满足机组的冷、温、热、极热态启动要求。

    According to the analysis and calculation , the two-stage series bypass system with 35 % capacity in Fengcheng Power Plant can meet all the operation requirements and realize the matching between boiler and turbine effectively .

  19. 汽轮机组热态/半热态启动中振动原因分析及措施

    Analysis of Vibration Causes in Start-up of Hot State / Semi-Hot State of Turbine Unit and the Solutions

  20. 该模型的热应力计算结果表明,机组冷、热态启动中,中压转子最危险部位在第一级叶轮根部,高压转子最危险部位在调节级叶轮根部,与有限元分析结果完全一致。

    The calculation of thermal stress shows that the mOSt dangerous section is at the root of the first disc of M. P. rotor , another dangerous section is at the root of velocity stage disc during hot-start and coldstart .