
  1. 本课题是四川大学研究和开发,应用于四川电气设备成套厂的一个MIS软件。

    The Project is a software project developed by Sichuan University and applying in Sichuan Electric Set Plant ( CDCT ) .

  2. 上海汽轮机厂和上海发电设备成套设计研究所在引进美国西屋公司技术的基础上,运用CAD技术进行汽轮机长叶片设计。

    Abstract On the basis of the licensed technology from Westinghouse , Shanghai Turbine Works and Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute have been designing long steam turbine blades by CAD techniques .

  3. 介绍上海发电设备成套设计研究所在整体煤气化燃气-蒸汽联合循环(IGCC)和第二代增压流化床联合循环(PFBC)关键技术方面的研究概况。

    This paper introduces the test and research situation of the key techniques for IGCC and the 2nd generation of PFBC combined cycle by Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute .

  4. 该文介绍了深圳妈湾电厂2×300MW工程的设备成套及其国产化工作。

    Abstract The Paper describes how integrated matching of Shenzhen Mawan 2 × 300MW project 's Equipment and it 's localized manufacture have been accomplished .

  5. 炼厂冷换设备成套防腐技术应用研究气相防锈技术在热力设备防腐蚀中的应用

    Application Study of Whole Set Anti-corrosion Technology of Refinery Condenser & Heat-exchanger

  6. 市场经济下的设备成套工作

    The Work of Complete Sets of Equipment under Market Economy

  7. 平圩发电有限公司联合上海发电设备成套设计研究院,共同进行了技术攻关。

    Combined with Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute , Pingwei Electric Power Co.

  8. 厌氧消化设备成套配置问题探讨

    Discussion on Configuration Problems of Complete Set of Equipment of Anaerobic Digestion

  9. 我国人造板设备成套发展过程概述

    Summary of the Industry of Complete Sets of Equipment forwood-based Panel in China

  10. 上海同济环保设备成套工程公司产品发展战略研究

    A Research of Product Development Strategy of Tongji Environment & Equipment Engineering Company in Shanghai

  11. 浅析设备成套工作中的招标投标

    Tendering and bidding of complete equipments

  12. 无锡维邦工业设备成套技术有限公司是一家专提供设备销售和成套服务的专业公司。

    Wuxi WELKIN INDUSTRY SYSTEM ENGINEERING CO. , Ltd is a company which supplies industrial equipments and professional engineering service .

  13. 概述我国人造板设备成套工作的历史发展过程,及在木材工业机械行业中的重要地位。

    The paper introduces briefly the development history of the industry of complete sets of equipment for wood-based panel in China , and also states its important role in timber industry and machinery industry .

  14. 水电站建设项目的特点是技术复杂、规模较大、周期较长,尤其是对于水电站内的设备成套工程,还具有涉及专业范围广、项目管理难度大的特点。

    Hydro power station construction is characterized as technological complexity , large scale , long period . Furthermore , the Complete Equipment Project ( CEP ) for the construction is characterized especially as wide range of profession , difficulty of project management .

  15. 但是水电站设备成套工程作为水电站建设中最重要的组成部分之一,其承包商的成长现状却远落后于需求。

    However , the Contractors of Complete Equipments Project ( CCEP ) for hydro power station , which is the one of the most important parts of hydro power station construction , are growing up too slow to satisfy with the market demands .

  16. 该工程坚持自主创新原则,从工程组织建设、系统设计、设备成套设计、工程设计到设备制造采购、工程施工和调试全部立足国内,全面实现了国产化要求。

    This project insists the principle of independent innovation and realizes the requirements of localization of parts and components completely from project organization and construction , design of system and complete set equipment as well as project to manufacturing and purchasing equipment , project construction and commissioning .

  17. SD-RXGF可与自动理瓶机、杀菌机、果汁前处理等设备组成成套生产线。

    The SD-RXGF type equipment can also form complete set with automatic bottle-standing machine , sterilization machine , juice pre-treatment machine and so on .

  18. 公司经营范围:机械电子设备、成套电力设备的销售;

    Scope of business : Sales of mechanical-electronic instrument and complete sets of electrical equipment ;

  19. 如果设备为成套,则以主机的唯一代理商或成套商参加。

    In case that it is the complete equipment , the bidder shall be the exclusive agent of the main equipment .

  20. 结果表明:该设备及其成套技术完全能够满足导管接头焊接质量的要求,已经成功应用到了该型号飞机安装位置导管钎焊生产线上。

    The results show that this device and related technologies can satisfy the welding quality and is successfully applied in the factory .

  21. 中国已经逐渐成为世界汽车制造业发展的新兴地区,随着大量世界先进的加工机械设备的成套引进,很多先进的设备润滑保养观念和技术也同时进入中国。

    China has gradually become a new development area for world 's automobile industry . A series of new concepts and technologies in equipment lubrication maintenance has been imported in China along with the world-advanced processing machinery packages .

  22. 本文通过对相关制度和理论的分析,主张不能仅以未经政府主管部门批准为由而认定国有企业以其关键设备、成套设备或重要建筑物所设定的担保无效。

    This essay examines the relevant system and theory , and addresses that the warranty on the key equipment , complete sets of equipment or important building would not be deemed void only because the warranty has not obtained the approval of the government authority .

  23. 虚框内的设备为厂家成套供货。

    The equipment listed in the dashed frame shall be completely provided by the manufacturer .

  24. 同时可以承接大型非标设备和大型成套项目的设计、制造和安装。

    Also the company can handle the design , manufacture and installation of large-size non-standard equipment and large-size completed equipment .

  25. 我公司可完成初步设计、施工图设计、设备选择、设备成套,以及EPC总成包工作和项目管理工作。

    After project determination : our company can complete preliminary design , construction design , equipment option , package unit , EPC and programme management .

  26. 煤油炉生产成套设备刨花板生产线成套设备

    Complete set of kerosene burner production line

  27. 饮料灭菌设备&板式换热器成套系统的设计与选用医用灭菌设备的使用进展

    Beverage sterilization equipment ( Design and use of plate heat exchanger system ) Progress of medical sterilization equipment

  28. 大型设备运输:大型成套设备运输,为客户提供方便。

    Large scale equipment transportation : the large scale transportation of whole set of equipment , offer convenience for customer .

  29. 根据油罐底含油污泥的特殊组成,用国产设备,组配成套油罐底污泥处理设施;

    According to the special composition of the oily sludge from tank bottoms , a set of treatment device was assembled by domestic equipments .

  30. 电力设备、设施和工程设备的成套服务、设备监理服务;

    Package services of electrical equipment , facilities and engineering equipment as well as equipment supervision services ;