
  1. 基于GPS和RFID技术的铁路信号设备巡检系统

    A Patrol System for Railway Signal Devices Based on GPS and RFID

  2. 基于J2EE的智能变电设备巡检系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Intelligent Substation Equipment Inspection System Based on J2EE

  3. 基于RFID数据终端的电力设备巡检系统

    Inspection Tour System for Electric Equipment Based on RFID Data Terminals

  4. 智能变电设备巡检系统中PDA应用程序的开发

    PDA Application Development in Intelligent Substation Equipment Inspection System

  5. 基于PDA的船载动力设备巡检系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of inspection system of shipborne dynamical equipment based on PDA

  6. 基于PDA和.NET平台的变电站设备巡检管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Transformer Substation Inspection System Based on PDA and . NET PLATFORM

  7. GPS智能化设备巡检是基于GPS(Globalpositioningsystem,全球定位系统)技术、掌上电脑技术的一种新型智能巡检管理系统。

    GPS intelligent inspection system is a new type of intelligent management system based on GPS ( Global Positioning System ) technique and PPC ( Palm size Personal Computer ) technique .

  8. 自主开发智能化设备巡检管理系统中的电力设备缺陷管理子系统。

    Independently develop the defect management subsystem in equipment patrol management system .

  9. 铁路信号设备巡检智能管理系统的设计

    A Design of Patrol Check Intelligent Management System for Railway Signal Device

  10. 移动机器人在变电站设备巡检系统中的应用研究

    Research of A Mobile Robot for Substation Equipment Inspection System

  11. 计算机技术在配电线路及设备巡检工作中的应用

    Application of Computer Technology in Patrol-checking Distribution Line and Equipment

  12. 一种新型运行设备巡检条形码管理系统的应用

    Application of a New Type Operation Equipment about Data Logging Bar Code Management System

  13. 便携式电力设备巡检装置

    Portable inspection tour installation of power equipment

  14. 变电站设备巡检机器人视觉导航方法

    Visual Navigation Method of Substation Patrol Robot

  15. 变电站、发电厂设备巡检管理系统的发展

    Development of Management System for Inspection Tours of the Equipments in Substations and Power Plants

  16. 智能化电力设备巡检管理系统在我公司的安装及运行情况。

    The installation and running situation of the intelligent equipment patrol management system in our plant .

  17. 发电厂智能化设备巡检中设备缺陷管理子系统的开发研究

    Development and Research of the Electric Equipment Defect Management Subsystem in Intelligent Equipment Patrol Management System

  18. 作者介绍了研制的铁路信号设备巡检智能管理系统在铁路信号管理中的作用。

    The writer describes how the technique of patrol check intelligent management works in the railway signal .

  19. 本文重点对智能化设备巡检管理系统及电力设备缺陷管理子系统进行研究。

    In this text I study emphatically the intelligent equipment patrol management system and the electric equipment defect management subsystem .

  20. 智能化设备巡检管理系统是应用于设备或生产工艺巡检作业的一套信息管理系统。

    Intelligent equipment patrol management system is an information management system which is applied for work of equipments or production technology patrol .

  21. 基于嵌入式技术的便携式设备巡检仪是旋转机械状态监测中的重要工具。

    The portable equipments patrol monitor apparatus based on the embedded system is an important part of the condition monitoring of Rotating machinery .

  22. 传统的设备巡检采用纸笔的录入方式,工作人员劳动强度大,并给有效管理带来一定的难度。

    Conventional tour inspection of equipment is done manually , and this has some shortcomings , such as large labour intensity and low efficient management .

  23. 本文在智能化设备巡检管理系统的基础上,自主开发了电力设备缺陷管理子系统。

    Based on the intelligent equipment patrol management system in this text , I develop the module of defect management in equipment patrol management system .

  24. 本系统兼顾在线监测、设备巡检、信号分析等功能,具有实时性强、可靠性高、成本低、精度高等特点。

    The system has the functions of on-line monitoring , equipment inspection and data analysis . It is highly real time , stable , high-precision with a low cost .

  25. 信息钮技术是一种先进的自动识别技术,本文将其用于工业设备巡检,并介绍了系统的工作原理,特点及功能。

    Touch memory is an advanced technology of automatic identification . This paper introduces its application in checking industrial equipment as well as its principles , characteristics and functions .

  26. 介绍一种新型计算机管理系统TG&02A型变电设备巡检系统的基本组成和工作原理。

    This essay introduces the basic components and the working principles of a new type of TG-02A computer management system which is used in the patrol inspection system for power transformer equipments .

  27. 保证焊缝质量,罐顶内侧焊缝改为连续焊以及加强设备巡检和维修等措施,可保证储罐达到设计使用周期。

    The designed service life of the tank can be ensured by improved welding quality , application of continuous welding for the internal side of the tank top and strengthened inspection and maintenance .

  28. 在便携式设备巡检仪应用系统的设计中,本文把设计的软硬件系统分为三个基本功能模块:数据采集模块、数据处理模块和主控制模块。

    In course of the design of portable analysis apparatus , in this paper , we divided the hardware and software application System into three basic functional modules : data acquisition module , data processing module and the main control module .

  29. 该系统可充分利用移动终端的便携性,快速搭建针对拍摄对象的监控系统,实现对远程现场的实时监控,可应用于应急指挥、远程环境监控、远程设备巡检等场景。

    The system can take full advantage of the portability of mobile devices , and can be set up quickly for real-time monitoring of remote site , can be used in emergency commanding , remote environmental monitoring , remote equipment inspection and other scenes .

  30. 基于MIS的输变电设备智能巡检和修试ABC规范化文档管理系统的开发及应用

    Development and application of ABC standardized document management system of intelligent inspection tour , repair and test for the transmission and transformation electricity equipment based on MIS