
jiān yā
  • put in jail ;imprison;escort
监押 [jiān yā]
  • [jail] 拘押;扣留

  1. 某女子劳教所干警与监押人员艾滋病知识、态度与行为的定性研究

    HIV-related knowledge , attitude and behaviors among policewomen and female prisoners from a correctional facility

  2. 圣安托万正叹叫着要求它的酒店老板去负责监押那死守巴士底狱、向人民开炮的要塞总监。

    Saint Antoine was clamorous to have its wine-shop keeper foremost in the guard upon the governor who had defended the Bastille and shot the people .

  3. 脱逃罪的犯罪构成有严格的时空要素,构成脱逃罪,行为主体必须在司法机关依法限制自由的时间阶段,同时具有从监押状态下逃跑的主观目的,故其又是一种亲手犯。

    Actors must be restricted in the phase of free time by the judicial , and they are with the subjective purpose of escaping from custody at the same time .