
  • 网络Prison Police;prison policeman
  1. 监狱人民警察的幸福感及其相关因素研究

    A Research on Subjective Well - being of Prison Police

  2. 社会学视野中的监狱人民警察

    On People ? s Prison Police Viewed in Sociology

  3. 新形势下监狱人民警察职位分类之探讨

    Discussing the Jail People 's Police Position Classification under the New Situation

  4. 通过规范监狱人民警察的执法行为,使罪犯的正当权利避免受到侵犯。

    Standardization of the conduct of prison police prevents infringement on the proper rights of prisoners .

  5. 方法:295名监狱人民警察参加了本研究,其中男警察197人,女警察96人。

    Method : 293 prison policemen participate the research , with 197 males and 96 females .

  6. 而监狱人民警察屈从于上层的管理,迫于外界的压力,不得不委曲求全。

    When the prison police give in upper management , forced by external pressures , had to make compromises .

  7. 提高监狱人民警察品德水平的基本途径有道德教育与制度伦理建设两个方面。

    Ways to improve the ethical and moral level consists of two parts including basic education and ethical system construction .

  8. 湖南省监狱人民警察组织承诺与组织公平感现状调查及其关系研究

    A Research on Status of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Justice and the Relationship between Them of Prison Police in Hunan Province

  9. 论文将基于模糊目标信息系统的数据挖掘方法引入到监狱人民警察素质的分析之中,并研究了针对性的规则获取算法。

    In this paper , fuzzy objective information system theory is used to mine jailer 's capability datasets according to the stages of data mining .

  10. 监狱人民警察是否具有较强的证据意识,直接影响着能否正确、公正、公平地执行刑罚和教育改造罪犯的质量和效果。

    Whether prison policemen obtain a strong evidence consciousness has a direct effect on the qualities and effectiveness of punishing and reforming the criminals fairly and justly .

  11. 但是,由于我国监狱人民警察权益保障在立法、维权机制和救济途径等方面的不完善,使得监狱人民警察的权益被侵害的现象时有发生。

    However , due to the Prison Police Protection legislation , rights protection mechanisms and remedies so imperfect , so the rights have been infringed Prison Police phenomena occur .

  12. 监狱人民警察在依法行使职权时,执法活动应当受到法律保护,个人正当权益不容侵犯。

    When the prison police perform his duties according to law , their law enforcement should be protected by law . The legitimate rights and interests of individuals can not be violated .

  13. 针对以上存在的影响监狱人民警察刑罚执行的原因分析,我们认为有必要采取以下对策来加以改善。

    The reason aimed at above existent people in the influence jail a police penalty a performance is analytical , we think a necessity to adopt a following counterplan to take in to improve .

  14. 监狱人民警察要多从积极方面看待反复,对出现反复的青少年罪犯,教育改造工作一定要耐心细致,要靠良好行为的强化训练压缩反复生存的空间。

    The policemen in prison should take a positive look at this phenomenon , perform patiently and carefully educational reform work as to those committing repeated crimes , contracting the living area of repetition relying on the intensive training of good behavior .

  15. 监狱人民警察是执行刑罚的主体,也是监狱管理的主体,监狱管理的法制原则能否得到贯彻关键在于监狱人民警察的执法水平。

    The jailer is a corpus that carries out the penalty , is also a corpus of the jail administration , so , whether the principle of legality of the jail administration can be carry through largely decided by the law enforcement level of jailers .

  16. 当前,监狱理论界着眼于从优待警,对如何保障监狱人民警察权益,提升监狱人民警察待遇,进行了广泛的探索,并且取得了明显的成效。

    Currently , the prison theorists focus on the " preferential treatment from the police " on how to protect the interests of Prison Police , Prison Police to enhance the treatment , carried out extensive exploration , and achieved remarkable results .

  17. 通过成立专家委员会对监狱危机管理的缩减、预备、反应三个阶段进行总结和学习,如果存在监狱人民警察渎职、玩忽职守等现象,必须进行责任追究。

    The committee of experts should be set up in order to summarize and learning from the three phase & curtailment , preparation and reaction . Besides , any misbehaviour such as dereliction of duty occurs , the accountability should be called .