
  • 网络wuhan evening news;evening paper
  1. 据《武汉晚报》报道,眼下房价高企,网友欲再次发起“不买房运动”。

    With house prices surging , plans are forming to initiate another anti-house-buying movement on the Internet , Wuhan Evening News reported .

  2. 据《武汉晚报》4日报道,全国大学英语四六级考试日前出现终极作弊手段&伪造成绩单。

    Fake academic reports of the College English Test ( CET ) 4 and6 surfaced in China , the Wuhan Evening News reported Tuesday .

  3. 本文采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的方式,全面分析了《武汉晚报》的营销个案,对《武汉晚报》整个营销过程进行了详细解读。

    The article used the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to analyze comprehensively the sale case of the Wuhan Evening .

  4. 尊敬的先生/女士:我看到3月23日武汉晚报上贵公司刊登的招聘广告,特此应征。

    Dear Sir or Madam : I am replying to your advertisement in the March 23 edition of Wuhan Evening .

  5. 本人的采访及写作经验包括担任校报编辑,负责一本文学杂志的编校工作以及曾在武汉晚报实习。

    My writing and reporting experience includes being senior editor of the campus newspaper , editing a literary magazine and internship with Wuhan Evening .

  6. 我在5月14日(星期六)的《武汉晚报》上看到贵公司刊登的征招销售副经理的广告,故来应聘这份工作。

    I saw your advertisement for an assistant marketing manager in the Wuhan Evening News on saturday , may14 , and I would like to apply for the position .

  7. 武汉晚报尊敬的先生们:感谢你们邀请我们参加2011年4月29日举办的新闻发布会,但是我们很遗憾不能接受邀请。

    Wuhan Evening News Dear Sirs , Thank you for your invitation to the press conference on April 29 , 2011 , but we regret that we can not accept it .

  8. 武汉晚报的一篇社论说,毒奶粉事件让人们知道,奶制品生产者用三聚氰胺做添加剂,消费者应在购买之前看清它的成分。

    An article in Wuhan Evening News says the scandal taught people that melamine is used by dairy producers as a type of additive and they should always read the ingredients first .

  9. 研究《武汉晚报》营销个案,对报业经营管理理论与实务的发展具有重要意义。

    Therefore , I think it is greatly significant to study Wuhan Evening , the single marketing case , so as to draw some lessons from its journalism marketing management and practical development .

  10. 四年来,《武汉晚报》发展迅速,发行量、广告收入、经济效益、市场地位均跃居武汉报业市场前列。

    Over the past four years , Wuhan Evening has been acting the excellent performance in the Wuhan journalism marketing , the circulation , the income of the advertisement , the economic benefit and the market position and so on .

  11. 《武汉晚报》近日报道称,在武汉100多万名在校大学生中,有超过2万人通过贷款来购买智能手机、平板电脑及其他数码设备。

    According to a recent report in Wuhan Evening News , more than 20,000 students in the city , which has about 1 million college students , have taken out loans to buy smartphones , tablets and other digital gadgets .