
  1. 萨拉班德出版社(Sarabande),平装,15.95美元。这本无法归类的作品有着狡黠的幽默和清晰的事业,在各种武术的世界里寻找庄严的诗意。

    ( Sarabande , paper , $ 15.95 . ) With its sly humor and trenchant vision , this genre-bending work finds sublime poetry in the world of mixed martial arts .

  2. 对武术走向世界的可行性研究

    Feasibility Studies on Popularity of Wushu in the World

  3. 刍议中华武术对世界的馈赠

    On the Contribution of Wushu to the world

  4. 论中华武术走向世界之六大疑难

    Discussion on Six Knotty Problems about Chinese Wushu during being Marched to the World

  5. 全球化与武术文化世界化发展

    Globalization and the Internationalization of Martial Arts

  6. 浅析武术在世界及国内推广普及过程中的问题与对策

    On the Problems of Chinese Wushu Development in abroad and Domestic Areas and the Countermeasures

  7. 中国武术与世界体育文化

    Chinese Wushu and World Sports Culture

  8. 让中国武术走向世界,使武术运动在民间普及,是俱乐部的经营宗旨。

    It is our tenet to introduce and popularize Chinese martial art both domestically and abroad .

  9. 武术在世界各地

    WUSHU Blossoms in the World

  10. 然而,武术在世界的发展现状并不乐观,种种因素阻碍了武术发展的步伐。

    However , in the martial arts world development situation is not optimistic , many factors hinder the pace of development of wushu .

  11. 竞技武术套路世界化较之传统武术有自己的优势,但要真正融入世界竞技体育之林也还有一定距离。

    The internationalization of competitive Wushu has own advantage comparing with traditional Wushu . However , it has certain distance to melt into world competitive sports .

  12. 中国社会的经济体制改革与武术走向世界的时代背景,决定少林武术应坚持国际化、社会化、产业化的发展方向。

    The reformation of Chinese economy system and background of Wushu 's going to the world demand that Wushu should adjust to the development trend of internationalization , socialization and industrialization .

  13. 武术在世界的传播与发展是继承和弘扬武术文化的重要举措,是向世界展示自我的一条重要途径。

    In the martial arts world on the propagation and development of Wushu culture is to inherit and carry forward the important measure , is to show the world the self is an important way .

  14. 从总体上来讲,武术在世界各国的普及程度还比较低,其制约因素主要是:缺乏专业的武术教练、国际间武术交流不够、宣传力度不大。

    Generally speaking , the popularity of Wushu in the world is still relatively low , the main restricting factors were : lack of professional wushu coach , international wushu exchange , propaganda is not enough . 3 .

  15. 在竞技武术走向世界、全民健身活动兴起,不同层次内容的武术竞赛活动蓬勃开展的今天,完善武术竞赛理论与方法并使之进一步科学性和规范化是本文的目的和宗旨。

    Now today , with the contests of WuShu be more and more popular all over the world and different levels and contests are held , consummating WuShu competition theory and making it scientific and standardized is this paper 's purpose .

  16. 武术已经走向世界,成为世界人民喜爱的运动。

    Wushu has stepped to the world and become a beloved sport for all the people in the world .

  17. 随着武术运动在世界各地的蓬勃发展,武术理论研究工作显得越来越重要。

    As the booming development of Wushu around the world , the theoretical studies of Wushu have become increasingly important .

  18. 今天高超的武术大师已遍布世界各地,武术爱好者也与日俱增。

    Today superb wushu masters are active all over the world , and amateurs are on the increase with each passing day .

  19. 对于陈氏太极拳甚至其他派别的武术,在今后世界各地的传播和发展都有积极的借鉴作用。

    Consequently , it will play an active role in its reference function toChen style Tai Chi Chuan and other martial arts ' spread and development worldwide .

  20. 为使武术能立足于世界民族文化之林,需要对武术理论基础进行深入研究,并且与奥林匹克运动进行比较,寻找出中西方文化交融的着力点。

    In order to make Wushu stand in the world national culture , we need to make a deep research on the theory of Wushu and to compare it with the Olympic Games so that we can find out the perfect harmony of Chinese and Western culture .

  21. 发掘回族武术,将有利于促进中华武术走向世界。

    In order to explore the Huizu Wushu , it is necessary to make further promotion of Chinese Wushu to the world .

  22. 文化差异、翻译困难、传统武术人才匮乏是今天制约传统武术向世界传播的主要因素。

    Cultural difference , translation difficulty , the short of person who master the traditional wushu makes up the main factors which block the traditional wushu spreading in the world today .

  23. 现代人们只是片面的了解武术,有的甚至错误的理解武术,所以给武术向世界发展带来影响。

    It is a one-sided understanding of modern Wushu , or even erroneous understanding of Wushu , Wushu to the world development will be affected .

  24. 认为李小龙截拳道的成功及其他与中国武术有渊源关系的一些国外技击运动的发展,为中国武术走向世界提供了有益的启示。

    It was suggested that Li Xiaolong 's success in Jie Quan Dao and the other developments of some external skilled movement , originally related to Chinese Wushu , provided valuable enlightenment for it to go into the world .

  25. 在这里,从武术所蕴藏的深层价值入手,以其价值取向出发论述中华武术走向世界的必由之路。

    Here , from the value orientation and the deeper value of Wushu , this essay illustrates the only way to the world of China Wushu .

  26. 为加快竞技武术产业化步伐,实现竞技武术持续、快速、健康发展提供理论依据,为竞技武术走向世界奠定坚实的理论基础。

    In order to quicken the industrialization developments of athletics Wushu and help athletics Wushu develop quickly and steadily , this article provides the theory basis , lays a strong material foundation for athletics Wushu advancing in world .

  27. 传统武术已有几千年的发展历史,要发扬光大,就要发展自已特色,关注传统武术,让武术为世界人民的健康服务。

    Traditional Wushu has a developmental history of thousands of years . To be wide spreaded , there must be a special way of itself . Pay attention to the development of traditional Wushu so as to serve for the world peoples health .

  28. 因此,通过此项研究可以为武术在现代社会的传播找到一条切实可行的途径,对促进中华武术的繁荣与发展,为武术走向世界提供手段参考。

    Therefore , through this study , we can find a practical way for martial arts to transmit in modern society , then promote martial arts ' prosperity and development and provide consultation to martial arts marching to the world .

  29. 要与海外各种武术组织、团体、学校加强联系,把武术渗透到海外大学的课程设置中,从而提高练武团体的整体素质,真正使武术成为世界体坛中具有重要影响的体育运动项目之一。

    It is concluded that we should enhance the connection with international Wushu issues , organizations and colleges so as to interpenetrate Chinese Wushu into the curriculum of international colleges and improve the quality and the level of the Wushu .

  30. 文章从武术所蕴藏的深厚哲学内涵入手,探讨武术的攻防技击价值、健身与娱乐价值、美学价值等深层次价值所在,以其价值取向出发来探讨中华武术走向世界的必由之路。

    From the complicated philosophy connotation , the paper probes the defense value , health keeping value , amusement value , aesthetic value , and other deep values of Wushu , and thinks the ways of Chinese Wushu spreading in the world .