
wǔ shù jiā
  • martial artist;wushu expert
  1. Sunny为BaronQuinn(马尔顿·索克斯饰)做事。此外还有TheWidow(艾米丽·比查姆饰),她一头红发,是名对尖锐武器痴迷的武术家;她要训练年轻的女“快闪人”(又称蝴蝶)。其他主人公样片中并未出现。

    Sunny works for Baron Quinn ( Marton Csokas ) , We don 't get to meet any others except for The Widow ( Emily Beecham ) , a redheaded martial artist and sharp weapons enthusiast ( duh ) , who 's training young female Clippers she calls Butterflies .

  2. 成为世上最伟大的武术家的呢

    become the greatest martial artist of all time ?

  3. 传统武术家使用他们想象的动作会更糟糕。

    Traditional martial artists fare even worse with their fantasy moves .

  4. 他们致命的打法为他们博得其他武术家的尊敬。

    Their deadly style has earned them respect from other martial artists .

  5. 武术家李小龙的雕像。

    A statue of martial artist Bruce Lee .

  6. 但不是所有的武术家都是格斗王。

    Not all martial artists are combaters .

  7. 而他首先要做的就是集齐全部七颗龙珠和杀光世界上所有的武术家。

    All he needs are the seven Dragon Balls and all of the Martial Arts Society members-dead .

  8. 访谈法(专家咨询法):咨询养生学专家、身心学者和武术家。

    Interview ( expert consultation ): Consultation health experts , scholars and martial artists mind . 3 .

  9. 父亲曾告诉我武术家是天生而非培养出的

    It 's who I am . My father told me fighters are born , not made .

  10. 那我就以武术家的身份来说话,我本人就是一名功夫高手。

    Spoken with the grace of a true kung fu master , I am a kung fu master myself .

  11. 上气的设计灵感来源于中国武术家、功夫巨星李小龙。

    The design inspiration of Shang-Chi comes from Bruce lee , a Chinese martial artist and martial arts star .

  12. 源远流长名家辈出&记著名回族武术家马凤图家族回族武术与近现代著名爱国武术家

    A Famous Wushu Family of Hui Muslims Moslem Martial Arts and the Patriotic Moslem Martial Arts Masters of Modern Times

  13. 作为一位武术家,你将要习惯于去做出与你的敌人对你的任何期望相反的事情。

    As a martial artist , you 'll need to get used to doing the opposite of whatever your enemies expect .

  14. 他是一位武术家,哲学家,演员和电影制作人,其生平影响激励着数百万人的生活。

    He was a martial artist , philosopher , an actor and a filmmaker who inspired millions of people in their lives .

  15. 我是一名演员、一位武术家、一个人,这都是我从武术中学到的。

    As an actor , as a martial artist , as a human being , all these I have learned from martial art .

  16. 另一方面,陷入绝境的龟仙人和他的同伴们,正努力寻找着一条能够阻止短笛大魔王集齐龙珠和杀害所有武术家的出路!

    Meanwhile , Master Roshi and company desperately search for a means of stopping King Piccolo from obtaining the Dragon Balls and annihilating the Martial Arts Society !

  17. 卡里尔此前研究了武术家和拳击手在四个方向向上、向下、向两边以及向前出手时的攻击力度。

    Carrier studied the power of punches by male martial arts experts and boxers as they struck out in four directions – upwards , down , sideways and forwards .

  18. 武术家参与搏击运动后,拳击的站姿取代了传统的侧面站姿,这种侧面站姿在实战中尴尬无效。

    Martial artists becoming involved in kickboxing soon adopted the boxing stance as opposed to the traditional bladed ( sideways stance ) which is awkward and ineffective in the sport .

  19. 他让我的儿子感到惭愧,我给我的儿子提供了世界上最好的武术家,也无法说服他尝试。

    He put my son to shame ! I provided my son with the best martial artists in the world , and he could not be persuaded to try it .

  20. 武术家、《尖峰时刻》明星成龙和中国选美冠军吴绮莉的女儿吴卓林宣布,她出柜了,并为自己是同性恋而自豪。

    Etta Ng , the estranged daughter of martial artist and " Rush Hour " star Jackie Chan and Chinese beauty queen Elaine Ng Yi-Lei , says she 's an out and proud lesbian .

  21. 马克:没错,小个子的人里有很多优秀的体操运动员、潜水员、滑雪运动员、武术家、攀岩者、花样滑冰运动员、马术竞技表演者、足球运动员和长跑运动员。

    Mark : That 's right , short people excel as gymnasts , divers , skiers , martial artists , rock climbers , figure skaters , rodeo riders , soccer players and long distance runners .

  22. 马克:嗯,矮个子人确实能成为非常优秀的武术家、拳击手和举重选手,但是我喜欢锻炼仅仅是因为感兴趣而已。

    Mark : Well , it 's true that short people also make excellent martial artists , boxers , and weight lifters , but I happen to like working out just because it 's fun .

  23. 杭州黄龙泰拳俱乐部&世界上所有武术爱好者的“家”。

    Huanglong Muay Thai Club & is the " home " of all martial arts enthusiasts in the world .

  24. 武术谚语产生于历代武术家们的长期实践,多在古今拳家的口头上广泛地流传、持久地沿用。

    The Wushu proverbs from Wushu experts ' long practice , and are most spread orally , and are continually used .

  25. 在中国武术史的书写中,女性武术家时见史料、女性拳术间有断涌现。

    In writing of the history of Chinese martial arts , martial arts you then have broken up between historical data , female boxing .

  26. 其次,在武术与书法的形式与内涵里,我们不但可以看到无数书法家和武术家的心血倾注,而且看到了中国人特有的哲学观念和审美意识。

    Secondly , in the wushu and calligraphy in the form and content , we not only see the numerous efforts calligrapher and wushu family poured , but also see the unique Chinese philosophy and aesthetic sense .