
  1. 王阳明巡抚南赣经费研究&以盐法为中心

    Fund Research about Southern Jiangxi of the Governor Wang Yangming-Taking Salt Law as Center

  2. 王阳明与南赣

    Wang Yangming and Southern Jiangxi

  3. 他受命巡抚南赣,奠定了一生政治功业与学问事业的基础;

    He was appointed to govern the southern Jiangxi , which laid his political and academic foundation .

  4. 明代著名思想家王阳明与江西南赣地区有着十分密切的关系。

    Wang Yangming , a famous thinker in the Ming Dynasty , had close relation with Ganan area Jiangxi Province .

  5. 江南隆起带东段皖赣相邻区南(赣东北地区)、北(皖南地区)两侧发育花岗岩类,且与成矿关系密切。

    Granitoids are well-developed in Gangdongbei ( north Jiangxi Province ), Wannan ( south Anhui Province ) and the south and north parts of the eastern Jiangnan Uplift .

  6. 京九铁路南段(九江以南)使赣粤港三地成为一个紧密联系的经济地带。

    The southern part of the Jingjiu Railway ( south of Jiujiang ) makes Jiangxi and Guangdong , Hong Kong a closely connected economic region .

  7. Ⅲ区为福建南部、闽赣边界及南岭东部丘陵地区;

    Zone ⅲ is composed of border area of Fujian and Jiangxi , eastern part of Nanling Range ;