
It just goes to show what a huge bubble has been created , said Fraser Howie , author of a book on the Chinese market who compiled the data .
He was proud of having ever played a minor role in a play .
Have you ever found in a book .
He knows it very well because he have stud it up in a book .
I knew very well about the matter because I 'd studied it up in a book .
Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer 's daughter , who had become his friend , and signed it From Your Valentine .
Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer 's daughter , who had become his friend , and signed it " From Your Valentine . "
Thoreau , friend of the American philosopher emerson , declared in one of his books that each sleeper of the American Railways is laid over the corpse of an Irish navy .
The chase got pretty fierce ; hordes of kite runners swarmed the streets , shoved past each other like those people from Spain I 'd read about once , the ones who ran from the bulls .
Mr Wang lived in a traditional courtyard home in a Beijing lane as a child and he spoke of seeing a book of photographs of the city from the early 20th century showing a city more beautiful than Paris .
Have you ever fallen for a novel and been amazed not find it on lists of great books ?
She wrote a parenting book about the hormones involved in bonding with your child , as well as starring in The Big Bang Theory .
Almost ten years ago , Laura rich , a former colleague of mine , wrote the accidental zillionaire : Demystifying Paul Allen .
Beeson , who is head of New York City-based Beeson Consulting , wrote a book you might want to check out called The Unwritten Rules : The Six Skills You Need to Get Promoted to the Executive Level .
Jayson Street , a security researcher who has written a book on dissecting hacks , reckons the Chinese government itself is struggling to contain hacking within the country .
We 've talked about a book written by Berle and Means who said that shareholders are so dispersed that they have really no control over a company and boards of directors are self-perpetuating .
In the meantime , though , and before you hire a lawyer or a collection agency , Horowitz -- who , incidentally , wrote a terrifically useful book calledThe Freelancer 's Bible - has six suggestions .
His wife , Tara Bennett-Goleman , is a psychotherapist and teacher who has also written a popular neuroscience bestseller .
The German tabloid is more political than its British counterpart , with three times more political coverage , says Susanne H ö ke , who has written a book comparing the Sun with Bild .
Kurashina was in charge of Men 's Knuckle , a magazine aimed at young slender Japanese men working as hosts , for over 10 years before shifting completely and launching Mr. Babe .
This film reminds me of the novel I had read before .
Sister Catherine had given her a book .
I once read a book called White Night , but that 's beside the point .
Ahtisaari and a journalist for the Finnish magazine Suomen Kuvalehti , said the former president embodied a stoic toughness that Finns see as their national trait .
Her first year at college , an upperclassman gave her a principle of economics textbook that proved to be the longest lasting textbook in her major .
Mr. McCormack , an active Democratic fund-raiser , is the author of a book that details the sexual indiscretions of Republican politicians who espouse family values .
I usually do this for each book individually for greater control , but you can edit them in bulk for books in a series , and then add individual data later .
By real father was Alan Truing , who in1936 wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work , and built a " universal machine " to solve any mathematical problem .
Mr Sheppard , who has written a book on his life and is set to have a film made about him , has married eight women since his first ceremony aged 19 in 1966 .
Author and college consultant Michelle Hernandez , who wrote " A is for admission the insider 's guide for getting into the ivy league ", is a Dartmouth grad who also worked in admissions there for years .