
  • 网络Armed Police Corps;PAP Corps
  1. 北京武警总队第二医院尚未对此事发表任何评论。

    The Second Hospital of the Beijing Armed Police Corps has not yet commented on the case .

  2. 北京武警总队第三医院专家提醒:比献出的血更宝贵的是你的真情。

    Third Hospital of Beijing Armed Police Corps experts advise : More precious than the blood of sacrificed is your truth .

  3. 设计了一个面向武警总队信息网的安全态势感知系统原型,并对数据采集、设备管理和指标量化三个主要功能模块进行了实现。

    A prototype system of CAPF-NSSA was designed , and realized the mainly function modules that contained situational data acquisition , device management and situational quantization .

  4. 结果:三所武警内卫总队医院机动卫勤分队的保障能力各不相同。

    RESULTS : The support capability was various in the three mobile squads .

  5. 武警北京总队第二医院现在还暂停了包括接受任何新病人在内的所有的医疗服务。

    The hospital has also suspended all its medical services , including receiving any new patients .

  6. 以象征性母题为引发点的设计手法&武警福建总队招待中心方案设计

    The designing method based on symbolic basic topic & The designing for the entertaining centre of head troop of armed police

  7. 前言:目的:健全武警内卫总队医院机动卫勤分队保障能力的评价方法。

    AIM : To establish an evaluation method for the support capability of mobile squad of medical service in armed police troops hospitals .

  8. 百度在其微博帐号上说,魏则西前去就医的武警北京总队第二医院是一家顶级医院。

    On its Weibo account , Baidu said that the Second Hospital of the Beijing Armed Police Corps , where Mr. Wei received treatment , is a top-level institution .

  9. 文章最后以武警广西总队审计处为研究对象进行了审计风险防范与控制的实证研究。

    The Armed Police Force in Guangxi Audit Department is as a living research object for guarding against the audit risk with control at the final of this article .

  10. 本文以武警福建总队招待中心项目为例,试图总结并推出一套设计方法,建立一种独特的建筑形象语言体系。

    Based on an example of project " the entertaining centre of head troop of armed police ", this paper tries to work out a series of designing methods and unique languages for architectural figure .

  11. 在武警北京总队第二医院癌症医疗丑闻发生后,国家卫计委上周三叫停了细胞免疫治疗临床应用。

    The National Health and Family Planning Commission on last Wednesday banned any clinical application of cellular immunity treatment , following a cancer treatment scandal in a Beijing hospital affiliated with the armed police force .

  12. 他的家人借钱筹集了20多万元人民币,以支付武警北京总队第二医院的一种免疫疗法。

    His family borrowed money to raise the more than 200000 renminbi , or about $ 30000 , to pay for a type of immunotherapy from the Second Hospital of the Beijing Armed Police Corps .

  13. 本文以武警辽宁总队指挥中心地源热泵工程为背景,介绍了地源热泵系统的设计方法和主要施工工艺,并通过投资、运行的经济比较,证明地源热泵系统的优越性。

    On the basis of the ground-source heat pump project of Command Center , the dissertation is to introduce the designing theories and the construction techniques of the ground-source heat pump system , and to clarify its advantages through the comparison of investment and the operation economization brought .

  14. 方法:于2004-03/2005-01选择武警广东总队医院肿瘤科住院癌症患者配偶为观察对象。

    METHODS : Advanced tumor patients ' spouses were selected from Oncological Department of Guangdong General Hospital of Chinese People 's Armed Police Force from March 2004 to January 2005 . All patients were determinated as advanced tumor with examination of pathology , CT , MRI and PET-CT .

  15. 对象:2000/2001武警河南省总队医院康复疗养的老年冠心病患者40例。男28例,女12例;

    PARTICIPANTS : Forty senile patients with coronary heart disease hospitalized in the General Hospital of Henan People 's Armed Police Force for rehabilitation from 2000 to 2001 were selected .