
  • 网络rule change;Game Change
  1. 在某种意义上,《规则改变》只是印证了那些忧虑。

    In some senses , game change simply confirms those fears .

  2. 但出乎我意料的是,看完《规则改变》之后,我对摩尔扮演的佩林所面对的困境感到由衷的同情。

    But , to my surprise , I left Game Change feeling real sympathy for the plight of Moore-cum-Palin .

  3. 英国《卫报》(TheGuardian)等媒体欢庆弗拉纳根的成功,对规则改变的不安似乎有所缓解。

    Mr. Flanagan 's victory was cheered by the British newspaper The Guardian , among others , and seemed to ease concerns about the rule changes .

  4. 世行公开数据实施组组长NeilFantom说,对于获取世行数据而言,上述结果可以说是因“游戏规则改变”而取得的。

    The result is nothing short of a " game-changer " for data access at the World Bank , says Neil Fantom , head of the World Bank 's open data initiative .

  5. 国际篮球规则改变特点及对比赛影响的分析

    Characteristics of the changes of international basketball rule and its effect on competition

  6. 两项最大的规则改变是电子系统和变速箱。

    Two of the most significant regulation changes are in the areas of electronics and gearbox .

  7. 排球规则改变对运动员认知心理及发球技战术发展的影响

    Influence of the Change in Volleyball Regulations upon Player 's Cognition , Technical and Tactical Development in Service

  8. 按照指定的规则改变数据形式,而数据的含义并无明显的变化。

    To change the form of data according to specified rules , without significantly changing the meaning of the data .

  9. 所谓对语言和序列进行重新编码是指按照一定的规则改变它们所依赖的字母表。

    The so-called re-coding to languages and sequences is to change the alphabet which they depend in with certain rules .

  10. 在编程中,依照计算机能识别的操作规则改变它的状态。

    In programming , to change the state of a computer in accordance with the rules of the operations it recognizes .

  11. 电视方面的奖项则由《国土安全》《都市女孩》《规则改变》分别获得。

    In the TV categories , " Homeland , " " Girls " and " Game Change " picked up trophies .

  12. 首先研究了如何按照一定的规则改变S盒的局部输出,从而逐步改善S盒的密码特性。

    First how to improve the cryptographic properties of S-boxes by changing the local outputs of S-boxes with some rules is investigated .

  13. 在这个事件中游戏规则改变了:金融市场实际上已停止运转,且不得不依赖人工生命保障系统。

    That was a game-changing event : financial markets actually ceased to function and had to be put on artificial life support .

  14. 他说规则改变了,那我倒是想知道是谁改变了规则,是我们?

    He 's on about changes in the regulations but I 'd like to know who does he think has changed the regulations .

  15. 特萨戈将这项技术描述为可能的“游戏规则改变者”,意思是对某种情况有巨大且良好的影响。

    Tersago described the technology as a possible " game-changer , " which means something that has a big , good effect on a situation .

  16. 实现了IT系统在业务规则改变的情况下的快速低成本更新,很大程度的降低了更新业务规则的难度。

    Realized IT system in business rules change under the condition of rapid low cost update , greatly reduced the update business rules of difficulty .

  17. 信息化的社会是虚拟化的社会,虚拟社会中,事物的客观行为特征与传统社会相比发生了显著变化,社会关系因之发生了不规则改变。

    The information society virtualization social virtual society , things objective behavioral characteristics significant changes compared with the traditional social , social relations consequent irregular change .

  18. 萨班斯&奥克斯莱法案创设了一个昂贵的及有争议性违宪的新的协调机构去规范审计公司活动,而不是创造一种规则改变现有的机制。

    Rather than creating a regulation to change the system , Sarbanes-Oxley created an expensive and arguably unconstitutional new regulatory agency to regulate the audit firms'activities .

  19. 或者,服务代理可以封装业务逻辑,以根据已建立的服务级别协议或业务规则改变服务提供者的选择。

    Or perhaps the service broker would encapsulate business logic that varies the selection of service providers based on established service level agreements or business rules .

  20. 如果能根据规则改变尽量早的开发当然是有帮助的,这样能帮助你明确研发方向。

    RB : Obviously it does help when you have the change in the regulations early enough for you to point out how the development should go .

  21. 国防分析人士称东风-21D导弹为游戏规则改变者,因为该导弹可以阻止美国航母进入中国不希望它们进入的水域。

    Defence analysts have called the Dongfeng 21D missile a game changer since it would discourage US aircraft carriers from entering waters where China does not want them .

  22. 考虑到所有债务都是在岸的、并且以人民币计价,最有可能从上述规则改变中受益的应该是那些专营经纪人、以及符合条件的中国国内基金经理,而非国际基金经理。

    This rule change is most likely to benefit specialist and qualified domestic managers rather than international managers , given that all liabilities are onshore and denominated in renminbi .

  23. 政府部门通过授权规则改变治理网络的目标、形态和成员,并为网络治理的结果承担最终的责任。

    The government would change the objectives , form and membership of the network by delegation rules , and be responsible for the results of the network governance ultimately .

  24. 最近的一个规则改变把中国公民的签证有效期从1年延长到10年应该会继续推动旅游的迅速发展,迪克森说。

    A recent rule change that will extend visas for citizens of China to 10 years from just one should fuel a continued surge of tourism , Mr. Dixon said .

  25. 拥护者认为,如果措施得当,强力的评估体系可能会成为师生双方的游戏规则改变者,重建教师职业并促进老师改进教学方法。

    Done right , say advocates , strong evaluation systems could be a game changer for both teachers and their students , reshaping the profession and pushing teachers to improve .

  26. 自从鲁迪·汤姆贾诺维琪执教哈基姆·奥拉朱旺或者查尔斯·巴克利时不断地把球传到禁区(在规则改变前)以来,这是火箭的一种战术。

    It 's been that way since Rudy Tomjanovich worked them hour after hour to get Hakeem Olajuwon ( before the rule changes ) or Charles Barkley the ball inside .

  27. 本文以近些年来篮球规则改变对我国男子篮球运动在技战术及教学训练中的影响作为研究对象作出分析调查。

    In this paper , in recent years for basketball rules changes on Chinese basketball and teaching and training in the skills and tactics in the investigation on the effect an-analysis as a research object .

  28. 一些专家警告说,从枪手武器的先进,身份的隐藏以及逃跑的方法看,他们与以前的独狼袭击大不相同,这可能是一个游戏规则改变者。

    Some experts warned that how well the gunmen wielded their weapons , hid their identities and apparently planned their escape showed a marked difference from previous lone wolf attacks & and could be a game changer .

  29. 据悉,许多人赶在下周可能举行的英国退欧公投前申请英国国籍,希望如果今后规则改变,这能保护他们免遭遣返。

    Many are reported to be applying for British citizenship ahead of a possible Brexit vote next week , in the hope that it will protect them from being deported if the rules change in the future .

  30. 我也曾听见人民遭遇的挫折,工资逐渐减少,甚至失去了工作&曾经自豪的人们突然感到好像是在比赛过程中游戏规则改变了。

    I 've heard it in the frustrations of Americans who 've seen their paychecks dwindle or their jobs disappear – proud men and women who feel like the rules have been changed in the middle of the game .