
  • 网络Planning education
  1. 新疆高师院校职业生涯规划教育研究

    Research on the Career Planning Education within Normal Universities in Xinjiang

  2. 高等医学院校大学生职业生涯规划教育的现状与思考

    Current situation and thought of career planning education in medical colleges

  3. SWOT理论对大学生职业生涯规划教育的启示

    The Inspiration of SWOT theory on college students career planning

  4. 简述独立学院的起源、发展和特点,分析独立学院大学生的特点并着重阐释独立学院开展生涯规划教育的重要意义。

    Independent colleges outlined the origins , development and characteristics of .

  5. 城市规划教育改革探讨

    E City A Probe into the Education Reform of Urban Planning

  6. 开展护理专业大学生职业生涯规划教育的探讨

    Probe into unfolding occupational career planning education for college nursing students

  7. 是规划教育的一项迫切任务。

    This is an urgent task for urban planning education in China .

  8. 建筑学专业加强城市规划教育的理论与实践

    Theory and practice for enhancing the urban plannig education in architecture major

  9. 高中阶段职业规划教育问题的研究

    A Study on Career Planning Education in the Senior School

  10. 21世纪韩国城市规划教育范式的转变

    The Paradigm Shift of Planning Education in Korea for the 21st Century

  11. 关于城市规划教育体系建设的几点建议

    Some Suggestions on the Establish - ment of City planning Education Sys-tem

  12. 论我国高等城市规划教育的专业化与多元化

    Discussion on professionalism and diversification of our country 's urban planning education

  13. 对国内外职业规划教育发展状况的思考

    Reflection on the Development of Career Planning Education at Home and Abroad

  14. 改革&中国城市规划教育迫在眉睫的选择

    Reform-the Extremely Urgent Decision of the Chinese Urban Planning Education

  15. 基于宏观需求的规划教育改革

    On Reform of Planning Education Based on Macro Demand

  16. 高职艺术类学生职业生涯规划教育探索

    Explore the Education of Arts Students ' Career Planning in Higher Vocational Colleges

  17. 高职院校应重视学生职业生涯规划教育

    Higher Vocational Colleges Pay More Attention to Students ' Education on Career Planning

  18. 深入推进大学生职业规划教育的探索

    Advancing the Occupational Planning Education in Depth for University Students : An Exploration

  19. 大学生全程化职业生涯规划教育研究

    Full of College Students Career Planning Education and Research

  20. 关于加强规划教育中规划研究教学内容的思考

    Thoughts over Strengthening research-oriented contents in urban planning education

  21. 职业生涯规划教育的作用和地位日益凸显。

    Career planning and education become increasingly more important .

  22. 由于我国大学生职业生涯规划教育刚刚起步,职业生涯规划教育的实效性受到普遍关注。

    The effectiveness of the career planning education is worthy of our attention .

  23. 构建具有中国特色的城乡规划教育体系

    Establish the Urban Planning Education System with Chinese Characteristics

  24. 我国城市规划教育体系创新构想

    New Idea on the Innovation of the Edu-cation System for Urban Planning in China

  25. 在线规划教育:是好处还是负担?

    Online Planning Education & Boon or Burden ?

  26. 浅析联邦德国高校中的城市规划教育

    Education of Urban Planning in the German Colleges

  27. 关于城市规划教育改革与思索

    Reformation and Thinking of Chinese Urban Planning Education

  28. 高职院校大学生职业生涯规划教育浅谈

    Problems in Students ' Career Planning of Vocational and Technical College and Their Solutions

  29. 大学生涯规划教育是高校成才教育的重要组成部分。

    The status quo and countermeasures of the career planning of native college students ;

  30. 关于中国城市规划教育设置的一点讨论

    On the Reform of China 's Planning Education