
guī bì
  • avoid;circumvent;evade;evasion;dodge;set around
规避 [guī bì]
  • [avoid;dodge] 设法避免

  • 谏猎宁规避。--元稹《酬乐天东南行诗一百韵》

规避[guī bì]
  1. 最后对MR物流公司营销战略控制与风险规避也做了详尽的阐述。

    Finally , the author also set forth elaborately about how to control the strategy and evade risks in the actualization .

  2. 而在实施MBO的过程中,管理层则利用各种手段来规避这些法律义务。

    However , the management authority used all kind of artifices to evade the legal obligations in the course of MBO .

  3. 他们找到了规避法律的途径。

    They found a way of circumventing the law .

  4. 霍克·西德利试图通过在其他领域进行多样化发展来规避风险。

    Hawker Siddeley tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields

  5. 该公司没有把自己的钱押在普通股上,这样就规避了市场风险。

    The company does not bet its own money on equities , and so is shielded from market risk .

  6. 他改变话题以规避我们的问题。

    He dodged our questions by changing the subject .

  7. 我不得不采取规避行动。

    I had to take evasive action .

  8. 那时候,古柯叶的萃取物与酒混合是一种常见的滋补品,而潘伯顿使用甜酒酿是一种规避当地法律棽售酒精饮料的方法。

    At the time , coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic , and Pemberton 's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol .

  9. 反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性

    The anti-circumvention clause has its " validity and rationality . "

  10. 一规避、妨碍或拒绝检查

    Any of them shuns , impedes , or attempts at inspection .

  11. 该结构旨在规避印尼法律,目前得到广泛使用

    The structure , aimed at assuaging concerns about Indonesian law , is commonly deployed .

  12. a.风险与风险规避

    A. Risk and Risk Aversion

  13. (只想想看,当您问您的同事,是否认为应该废除数码千禧年版权法(DigitalMillenniumCopyrightAct)的反规避规定时,他们有多大的触动。

    Just think how impressed your colleagues will be when you ask whether they think the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 's anti-circumvention provisions should be repealed .

  14. 在WTO框架下,我们要对我国的《反补贴条例》加以完善,加强国内反规避立法并积极推动补贴与反补贴协定的后续国际谈判。

    In the WTO framework , we have to perfect " Countervailing Regulations ", strengthen domestic anti-circumvention legislation and actively promote the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing up in international negotiations .

  15. 为此,本文建立了一个简单的agent模型,采用三种力来模拟现实中人群对外界的反馈,包括路径跟随力,障碍物避让力,agent碰撞规避力。

    So we built a simple agent model , using three forces to simulate the feedback of agents to environment , such as path follow force , obstacle avoid force , agent collision avoid force .

  16. 冲突规避算法将URL散列和站点名散列相结合,应用多线程技术,在实现了负载平衡同时,又避免了并行爬行器的并发冲突。

    The collision avoidance algorithm combines URL hashing and site-name hashing . It realizes work load balancing and also avoids the collision when parallel fetching .

  17. 规避这一问题的一种方法是使用P8API在checkout命令上为reservation对象指定存储属性。

    One way to get around this issue is to use the P8 API to specify the storage properties for the reservation on the checkout command itself .

  18. 试从竞争和风险规避策略角度分析了本土CRO的生存策略。

    Try to analysis the survive strategy for native CROs from how to compete and prevent risks .

  19. GATT乌拉圭回合谈判也曾将反规避问题纳入了议程,并在邓克尔草案中提出了完整的反规避内容,但由于美国的反对而最终被删除。

    Anti-circumvention has ever been brought to the negotiation agenda in the Uruguay Round of GATT , but it was erased because the opposition of USA.

  20. 处于B2B交易市场的中小企业在享受这种高效广泛的交易的同时,面临着如何甄别交易对象、规避交易风险的问题。

    While the SMEs in the B2B market enjoy the efficiency of transactions , they also face the big problem that how to identify trading partners to avoid transaction risks .

  21. 理性卖者是出于对继续持有的风险规避和对股票内在价值的判断而做出决策的交易者,他们会在IPO上市后选择获利离场。

    Reason to continue to hold to sell out of stock of risk aversion and the intrinsic value judgments and traders to make a choice , they will choose the first day of the IPO market profit taking .

  22. ABS是以车轮的滑移率与附着系数的关系为理论依据的,在ABS的控制逻辑中选取正确的控制元,可规避众多动力学参数,保证ABS控制模式的正确性。

    The theoretical basis of ABS is on the relation of tyre slip rate and adhesive coefficient . To select correct control elements in controlling logics of ABS rnay evade many kinetic parameters and ensure correctness of controlling mode of ABS .

  23. 基于事例的推理(CBR)作为一种增量式的学习方法,规避了传统人工智能在知识获取上的瓶颈问题,逐渐引起人工智能领域研究者的关注。

    As an incremental learning system , Case-based reasoning ( CBR ) makes the knowledge and rule obtainment bottleneck easy by learning from case , thus it has increasingly become a hotspot in the area of artificial intelligent .

  24. 本文对投标理论研究的发展现状作出了评述,分析了软件项目投标过程中的风险因素,研究了变精度粗集(VariablePrecisionRoughSet,简称VPRS)在软件项目投标风险规避领域的适用性。

    The study reviews the research status of bidding theory , analyzes the risk categories and risk factors in software project bidding , then , discuss the applicability of the variable precision rough set ( VPRS ) model on knowledge discovery of risk avoidance in software project bidding .

  25. 最终得出VMI风险的控制策略,为制造型企业有效地规避库存风险,提高VMI的运作效率,降低运作成本提供了决策依据。

    Finally the paper put forward to VMI risk control strategies , which provides a basis for decision making for manufacturing enterprises to effectively avoid VMI risk , improve VMI operational efficiency and reduce operating costs of the manufacturing enterprises .

  26. 基于以上现状,本文构建了沙盒系统Z-Monitor,可以动态监视和分析恶意软件的行为,具有规避恶意软件抗已知沙盒分析的能力。

    Z-Monitor , to dynamically monitor and analyze behaviors of malicious software , capable of avoiding anti-sandbox .

  27. 本文的研究内容是基于前视声纳信息的自主水下机器人(AUV)局部规划技术,重点研究了基于遗传算法的AUV动目标规避。

    The research content of this paper is planning technology of collision avoidance for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ) based on information of a forward looking sonar . The main technology of the research is collision avoidance to moving objects based on genetic arithmetic .

  28. 最后,文章总结了XWL公司产品与品牌升级的风险,并提出了相应的规避措施和其他配套措施。

    Finally , this paper summarizes the XWL company product and brand upgrade risk , and puts forward the corresponding avoidance and other supporting measures .

  29. 根据值函数和风险规避系数的定义,说明经非线性变换后的值函数满足带有风险规避系数的HJB偏微分方程。

    Based on the definition of the value function and the coefficient of risk aversion , the nonlinear transformation of value function was proved to be in agreement with HJB partial differential equation with the coefficient of risk aversion .

  30. 并通过典型案例论证了船东及货主都能利用BIFFEX的期货交易,或锁定运费收入,或锁定运费支出,从而达到规避运价风险的目的。

    Reasoning from some typical cases that ship owner and consignor can both make use of BIFFEX 'S optional exchanges ; either lock the earnings or the payout of freight , moreover achieve the aim of eluding the freight risk .