
  1. 在德国,客观行政诉讼包括规范审查之诉、机关行政诉讼、对己诉讼、团体诉讼和宪法诉讼。

    In Germany , the objective administrative litigation includes the Body suit , The public lawsuit and the civil litigation , the review of the specification and the review of constitution .

  2. 我国现行的司法审查制度排除了对行政规范的审查,这不利于保护相对人的权益,亦与依法行政的宗旨相悖。

    The current institution of judicial review in China excludes the review on administrative norm , which is unfavorable to corresponding party and does not accord with the spirit of execution under law .

  3. 律师协会自治权的来源主要是基于宪法学、行政法学等理论依据产生,其自治的内容主要包括制定行业规范、审查行业资格和维持行业纪律等方面。

    The origin of the self-governance of the bar association is mainly based on the theory of constitutional jurisprudence , administrative jurisprudence and so on . The major contents of self-governance include formulating profession standards , reviewing profession qualification , maintaining profession discipline and so on .

  4. 第三,作为DNA鉴定结论的最后关卡,完善而规范的法庭审查程序能够防止因错误地运用DNA证据而导致错案的发生。

    Thirdly , as the final checkpoint of DNA identification conclusion , perfect and normative court review procedure can prevent the occurrence of wrong decision , which is caused by using DNA evidence wrongly .

  5. 行政规范的司法审查

    Judicial Review on Administrative Norm

  6. 针对此三大瑕疵,可通过行政调查的立法完善、程序规范、司法审查等三个方面的结合而加以避免和进行一定的救济。

    Through the combination of legislative perfecting , procedural norms , and judicial review , those defects can be avoided and redressed .

  7. 在此基础上,又提出了规范性文件审查的必要性。第二章提出规范性文件审查标准及其前提问题。

    On this basis , also it has proposed the need for review of regulatory documents . Chapter ⅱ presents Review of standards and regulatory documents prerequisite .

  8. 同时,收集了2002年后几乎所有相关论文的资料,并且重视各地规范性文件审查办法的查阅比较,运用实证研究的方法。

    At the same time , I have collected almost all post-2002 dissertation related information , and attention to regulatory documents throughout the review of available comparative approach .

  9. 接到通知后,常务董事、工程总监和质量保证经理将安排对客户规范进行正式审查,明确询价的具体要求。

    Upon notification , the Managing , Engineering Directors and QA Managers will arrange for a formal review of clients specifications to establish the precise requirements relating to the inquiry .

  10. 行政合理性控制的核心内容是通过立法规范、司法审查、提高行政机关工作人员的职业素质来规范行政权的行使。

    The core of how to regulate rests with standardizing the exertion of the administrative power by means of legislative criterion , judicial review and improving occupational competence of the administrative functionaries .

  11. 在文章的最后,笔者对产生违法现象的原因进行了分析,有针对性地并对规范合法性审查提出了建设性的意见。

    By the end of the article , the author analyzed the reasons of the occurrences of the illegal activities and proposed constructive advices to the draft of the regulations about the legality examination .

  12. 对反应堆堆内构件、控制棒驱动系统、燃料组件和蒸汽发生器传热管等设备进行地震加失水事故联合作用下详细的动力分析与评定,是核电厂设计规范和安全审查的要求。

    The detail dynamic analysis and evaluation for the reactor internals , control rod drive system , fuel assemblies and the steam generator tubes , under combined application of the earthquake and LOCA loads , are the requirements of design codes and safety review .

  13. 对刑事证据法进行伦理研究,有利于确立正确的伦理观,指导刑事证据立法、理论研究并规范取证、审查和运用证据、作证、鉴定等行为。

    The ethical concept of criminal evidence law is the standards and ideas of ethics which have impotent function to the criminal evidence legislation and research , and the subjects of criminal evidence law shall observe in collecting and using evidence , testifying and identifying .

  14. 但是在目前已经形成的行政法学研究体系中,很少能够看到对规范性文件审查标准的系统研究和阐释,即便是在行政法研究比较发达的法治国家,也不例外。

    But in the current study , which has formed the administrative law system , rarely able to see the review of regulatory documents and interpretation of the standard system , even in more developed rule of law , administrative law of the State , is no exception .

  15. 法官在审查与认定鉴定结论这一法律评价活动中,应当严格依照程序规则,在有关制度的约束下,依据经验法则和逻辑法则,运用法官的自由心证去规范地加以审查与认定。

    In the acts of evaluation of laws of examination and verification of expert conclusions , a judge should comply with procedural rules restrictly , restricted by relative systems , in light of practical and logical rules , examine and verify them legally with free belief in heart .

  16. 行政规范性文件司法审查的法理分析

    Jurisprudence Analysis on the Judicial Examination for Administration Standard Documents

  17. 行政规范性文件的审查监督制度研究

    Administration Normative Documents Study on the Examination and Supervision System

  18. 提高政府立法质量,建立和完善行政规范性文件的审查制度;

    Promoting the quality of law to set up and improve the review system ;

  19. 其可行性在于确立行政诉讼中的行政规范性文件受理审查制度的条件已经成熟。

    To do so is feasible because conditions are ripe to accept and investigate normal administrative documents in administrative lawsuits .

  20. 将行政规章纳入司法监督范围之我见行政规范性文件的审查监督制度研究

    My Views on Bringing Administrative Act into Judicial Supervision ; Administration Normative Documents Study on the Examination and Supervision System

  21. 再次,规范民事再审申请审查程序,应从审查组织、审查方式、审查次数、审查后的处理等方面进行设计改造。

    Third , standardize the examination procedure of application for civil retrial , designing the alteration ways from the organization 、 the mode 、 the number of retrial application and so on .

  22. 但从全国范围上看,行政规范性文件备案审查工作发展仍然比较慢,还远不能满足社会发展的需要,还有许多问题需要研究解决。

    But in the nationwide point of view , the administrative normative documents for the record review of development is still relatively slow , can not meet the needs of social development , there are many issues that need to study and solve .

  23. 规范性文件备案审查制度作为行政法制监督的一项重要制度,就是为维护法制统一、确保政令畅通、保障人民群众的正当权益所采取的有效措施。

    Regulatory document filing system as the administrative law review of an important system of supervision is to safeguard the unity of the legal system , ensure that government decrees to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of the effective measures taken .

  24. 本文对基因专利的伦理基础进行了初步探讨,重点对基因专利问题进行哲学反思,认为应用伦理道德条款规范基因专利的审查,促进公共利益的发展和利益分配的公正。

    This article has examined the ethical basis of gene patenting and has paid more attention to make philosophical considerations on it , and suggests that we should apply ethical articles to examine gene patenting to promote the development of public interests and justice distribution of interests .

  25. 违宪审查制度是特定的国家机关根据特定的程序或者方式,针对违反宪法的行为或者规范性、非规范行文件进行审查并进行处理的制度。

    Review of constitutionality is an institution that state organs specially appointed review and handle with the unconstitutional acts .

  26. 确保所有测试规范都以相同的格式编写和显示,以缩短规范的审查时间。

    Ensure all test specifications are written and displayed in the same format , shortening spec review time .

  27. 引言部分,即本文的第一部分,从一件行政管理相对人提请审查规范性文件的案例出发,简要提出了一般规范性文件备案审查中存在的问题。

    Introductory part , the first part of this article , from an administrative management relatively drew the case to review the normative documents and made a brief general normative documents exist in the record review .

  28. 具体分析法规规章、其他规范性文件、司法解释各自在实际操作中存在的问题,进而分析的规范性文件备案审查制度现状的原因。

    Concrete analysis the actual problems of laws and regulations and other regulatory documents , judicial interpretation and reason .