
  1. 抚顺规划馆沙盘展示厅采用单层网壳结构。

    The sand table showroom of Fushun planning exhibition hall uses single layer latticed shell .

  2. 长兴岛“规划展示馆”总平面规划和建筑方案设计。

    Changxing Island " Planning Exhibition Hall " master planning and architectural design .

  3. 城市规划展览馆布展策划研究&以杭州为例

    Study of Urban Planning Exhibition Hall Strategy : A Case Study of Hangzhou

  4. 其次,对城市规划展览馆的空间设计进行分析研究。

    Secondly , to the city planning exhibition hall of space design were analyzed .

  5. 这儿附近有个规划展览馆,我还从来没去过。

    There is a layout exhibition center near here , but I have never been there .

  6. 北京市规划展览馆主要展示北京这座伟大都城的过去、现和未来。

    The Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall primarily features the past , present and future of the great ancient city of Beijing .

  7. 论文的三、四章为核心部分,是在对城市规划展览馆的基本解析基础上进行的更为专业,更加深入的研究。

    The paper three or four chapters as the core part , is to urban planning exhibition hall in the basic analytical basis more professional , more in-depth research .

  8. 最后总结城市规划展览馆建筑设计从初期分析到设计阶段的要点,建立起一套完整的设计理论体系。

    Urban planning exhibition hall finally summarizes architectural design from the initial analysis to design phase of the main points , set up a set of complete design theory system .

  9. 会后将成为会展中心和文化设施,如首都青少年宫、城市规划展览馆等。

    After the Games , these buildings will be turned into convention and exhibition centers and cultural facilities , such as Capital Youth Palace and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall , etc.

  10. 长兴岛“规划展示馆”拟建成一流的、现代化的综合性展览馆,她将成为长兴岛重要的、标志性的建筑之一。

    Changxing Island " Planning Exhibition Hall " plans to be built a modern and comprehensive exhibition hall , which will become one of the important landmark buildings in Changxing Island .

  11. 通过城市规划展览馆的各空间组成逐步对每一个部分进行具体分析,进而得出城市规划展览馆空间设计的基本方法。

    Through the city planning exhibition hall of the space for each part gradually made a concrete analysis , and a conclusion that the urban planning exhibition hall space the basic design method .

  12. 天津城市规划展览馆既是在此背景之下展开的设计和建设活动。论文以天津市规划展览馆的设计全过程为依托。

    Just in this context Tianjin Urban Planning Exhibition Hall started to be designed and constructed . . The thesis is on the basis of the entire design process of Tianjin Urban Planning Exhibition Hall .

  13. 基于以上原因,近些年来在我国城市兴起了一股兴建城市规划展览馆的潮流,并且,城市规划展览馆已被视为提升城市形象的一个重要平台。

    Based on the above reasons , in recent years the rise in our country city of city construction planning exhibition hall trend , and urban planning exhibition hall has been regarded as improve the image of the city of an important platform .

  14. 近年来,城市规划展览馆在我国各地如雨后春笋般竞相建成,作为城市建设的集中展示场所以及市民参与城市建设互动的重要媒介,城市规划展览馆发挥了重大的作用。

    In recent years , Urban Planning Exhibition Hall mushroomed to be completed all over the country , as the concentrate sites on showing of the urban construction and the important media between the urban construction and urban people , urban planning exhibition hall played a major role .

  15. 奥运会举办国场地建设规划及场(馆)后期的利用

    The Stadium Construction and Later Usage for Hosting Country in Olympic Games

  16. 广场位于大学的入口,同时也是一个规划中的美术馆的入口景观公园。

    The square serves an an entrance area for the university and also for an art gallery , which is planned for the site .

  17. 浓缩重庆3000年变迁,展示8.24万平方公里规划战略重庆城市规划展览馆

    Chongqing City Planning Exhibition Hall