
  • 网络TIME;stipulated time;prescribed time;set period
  1. 你必须在规定时间到达。

    You must arrive at the time stated .

  2. 全体人员均按规定时间召集到场。

    Everyone was assembled at the appointed time .

  3. 球队在规定时间内必须要投篮。

    A time limit was set for a team to shoot at the basket .

  4. 对我而言,折中的方法是在考试前一两天提前得知题目,然后在课上按照规定时间完成考试。

    It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance , and then doing the actual test in class the ticking clock overhead .

  5. 他们忽略了约定的时间,在规定时间之后离家。

    They ignore the appointed time and leave their homes only after the fixed time .

  6. 加入WTO的本质就是将中国经济在规定时间内纳入经济全球一体化的轨道,中国医药市场当然也会受到重大影响。

    Joining WTO means bringing the Chinese economy into the global economic integration , which will have a great impact on the Chinese medical market .

  7. 达规定时间后换正常条件下(体积分数0.95空气+体积分数0.05的CO2)孵育。

    The cells in the hypoxia group were incubated at normal condition ( 0.95 volume fraction of air and 0.05 volume fraction of CO2 ) at set time .

  8. 由r、s结果,分析了它们与观测条件、仪器精度及稳定性、在规定时间内的观测组数之间的关系。

    According to calculation results of r and s , the relations between they , observation condition , precision and stability of instrument , and observation times within the fixed time were analyzed .

  9. 方法:20名受试者单剂量口服Gli片10mg后,在规定时间取血,HPLC法测定血药浓度。

    Methods : The glipizide concentrations in sera of 20 subjects were determined by HPLC following an oral single dose of 10 mg .

  10. 片上系统(SOC)芯片是一个复杂的系统,为了在规定时间完成设计,并提高设计的可靠性,只有依赖基于知识产权(IP)复用的SOC设计方法。

    System-on-a-Chip ( SOC ) is a complex integrated system . It is impossible for a designer to complete the reliable and optimum implementing without intellectual property ( IP ) reuse within the limited time .

  11. 在单因素考察的基础上,以规定时间的累积渗透量和TF凝胶剂粘度为指标,选取卡波姆浓度、氮酮、丙二醇的用量三个因素进行正交试验设计优化最佳处方。

    Based on single factor test , the optimum prescription is optimized by the index of accumulated amount and viscosity for TF gels using orthogonal design with three factors such as Carbopol (?)

  12. 方法:健康家兔8只,扑热息痛单剂量(20mg/kg)于大椎穴注射后,在规定时间点采血,HPLC检测血药浓度,DAS药动学软件处理药时数据。

    [ Methods ] 8 healthy rabbits were injected with acetaminophen at 20 mg / kg in Dazhui acupoint . Plasma concentration of acetaminophen was regularly determined by HPLC and the data were analyzed with DAS PK software .

  13. 各组在规定时间内心脏取血0.5ml,采用3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷(3H-TdR)掺入法测定鲫鱼(Carassiusauratus)淋巴细胞中3H-TdR掺入量(DPM值)。

    0.5 ml blood samples were obtained from heart in testing time and the value of 3H-TdR incorporation of carassius auratus lymphocytes was measured by using 3H-TdR incorporation .

  14. 方法:20例健康受试者单次口服40mg替米沙坦受试或参比制剂,按规定时间采集肘静脉血,乙腈沉淀处理血样。

    Method : A single oral dose of 40 mg telmisartan test or reference tablets was given to 20 healthy volunteers in two-way cross - over design .

  15. 为了保持链路的畅通,在设计GPRS数据传输单元的时候,就必须设计心跳包,在规定时间若没有数据传输,就将心跳包发出。

    In order to maintain the smooth flow of links , in the design of GPRS data transmission unit , it is necessary to design a " heartbeat packet " . If no data is transfered in a specified time , the " heartbeat packet " will be issued .

  16. 在第5天6轮共60次训练中,对照组在规定时间内找到平台的百分数为80.0%,而K-BGT组仅为33.3%。

    On the last training day , there were 80 % mice in the control group found the platform underwater , while there were only 33 3 % mice in K BGT group found the platform in 60 times tests within the fixed time .

  17. 采用规定时间作为湿化变形稳定的标准是不适宜的,按15min控制平均轴应变率为0.0006%/min是一个既省时、精度又能满足一般试验要求的标准。

    On the other hand , the deformation steady criterion to fix wetting time is unsuitable , while the deformation steady criterion of controlling the wetting axial strain rate of 0.000 6 % / min during 15 min is a relatively economical and precision criterion .

  18. (二)不在规定时间内向客户提供交易的书面确认文件;

    Failing to provide clients written confirmation within a prescribed period ;

  19. 教材中的所有内容能否在规定时间内完成?

    Can all the content be finished in the due time ?

  20. 在规定时间内拼出指定的图形。

    Compete who can make a designated shape in limited time .

  21. 显示规定时间内计划行动的特殊类型的柱状图。

    Particular type of bar chart showing planned activity against time .

  22. 按规则,比赛中在规定时间内的有效刺击次数最多者就为胜者,理查德?托雷斯可以证明一切,他可以随意击中他多次。

    Ricardo Torres proved that , hitting him at will many times .

  23. 留学生应该在学校规定时间内按时足额交纳学费。

    International students should pay the full tuition fees within a given time .

  24. 演讲者超过了规定时间15分钟。

    The Speaker overran his time by fifteen minutes .

  25. 超过规定时间提货时,应向承运人交付保管费。

    The consignee shall pay the custodial fees when the time is overdue .

  26. 如果在规定时间内没有完成考试会怎么样呢?

    What if you do not finish the test in the allotted time ?

  27. 所有学生须在规定时间内完成作答,且将题目写在手写板上。

    All students need to write the answers on the writing board in time .

  28. 不按规定时间缴费者不予注册。

    Those who don 't pay tuition on time are not allowed to register .

  29. 我想我得他们定个截止时间,让他们在规定时间内完成。

    I think I will give them a deadline and hold them to it .

  30. 分别于规定时间处死,取脑,固定切片备用。

    All rats wre executed , taken out brain and fixed at special time .