
shè huì bàn xué
  • operate schools by all sectors of society
  1. 论高职教育的学校企业社会办学模式

    The Mode of " School-Enterprise-Society " in Running Higher Vocational Education

  2. 规范社会办学机构,使现代远程教育的发展有一个良好、公平的外部办学环境。

    Regulating teaching institutions to create a positive and fair external institution-management surroundings for long-distance education development .

  3. 与我国传统的公立高校相比,国有民办二级学院的制度创新表现在以下几个方面:自主创新,面向社会办学;

    Compared with the traditional state-running universities , its institutional innovations include : innovating independently , society-oriented ;

  4. 社会办学已经成为我国高等教育格局中不可替代的组成部分。

    Society running university has become a component part that cannot be substitute in higher educational structure .

  5. 社会办学与学校正规学历教育在多方面存在差异;

    There 's much difference between the schools which are run by the society and the formal education .

  6. 在这样的大趋势下国内许多院校开设了漫画、动画或者动漫专业,社会办学的培训班也日益增加。

    In this trend many domestic institutions set up comics or animation or animation professionals and there is lots of the training class in community school .

  7. 这一段从政府对私立学校的管理,社会办学力量的增加以及抗日战争这一特殊历史时期对陕西省私立教育的影响三方面进行论述。

    This section ower and the increase of the war of resistance against Japan in this special historical period of Shaanxi province private education influence three aspects .

  8. 毫无疑问,王莽是对中国教育事业起到重大推动作用的功勋人物之一,中国之所以能够形成大规模的社会办学格局与王莽是分不开的。

    There 's no doubt that Wang 's merit to the Chinese education makes Wang stay indispensable to the forming of the structure of running a public school .

  9. 民办高校面向社会办学,需要了解社会,这就需要一套社会评价和反馈机制来进行信息沟通,进行规范和引导;

    Private colleges and universities , when open to the society , must have an evaluation and feedback mechanism for information communication before they can know the society .

  10. 在高校专业钢琴音乐教育日益发展的带动下,钢琴音乐教育的影响力不断扩大,钢琴音乐教育的社会办学力量也逐渐随之发展壮大起来。

    Increasing development of the piano music education in colleges and universities , led by increasing influence piano music education , piano music education society school forces have gradually grown accordingly .

  11. 农村职校教育机制不灵活,面向社会办学力度不大,办学效益不高,办学活力不强。

    Rural Vocation Education mechanism is not flexible , the ability is not cogent that run a school towards the society , . the efficiency in school management is not high .

  12. 民办高校作为一个面向社会办学的独立法人实体,拥有完善的董事会治理结构对民办高校的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    As a separate legal entity facing to the social education , the private colleges that owns a perfect governance structure plays a vital role in the process of colleges ' developing .

  13. 随着我国音乐教育事业的发展,人民群众对音乐素质教育的需求不断提高,全国各大、中专院校和社会办学团体都开设了手风琴集体课。

    With the development of musical education of China , people have increased the demand for musical quality education , and most colleges and social teaching groups have conducted the accordion collective course .

  14. 民国政府采取了一系列政策措施提倡和鼓励社会办学的发展,用法令的形式确立了社会办学的地位,给捐资兴学者以荣誉奖赏,并对办得好的私立学校进行金钱补助。

    The government adopted a series of measures to advocate and encourage society-run education , such as ensuring the position of society-run education , praising the people who contributed to education and subsidizing the good private schools .

  15. 现代远程教育作为计算机网络技术与多媒体技术迅速发展的产物,不仅成为了许多大学传统教学方式的有益补充,而且已成为了现在社会办学教学方式的主体。

    Modern distance education is the result of rapid developing of computer network technology and multimedia technology . It not only becomes a beneficial supplement of traditional teaching method in the universities , but it also becomes the main teaching method in modern society .

  16. 认为在扩招的条件下,增加硬件投入,加强师资队伍建设,把握扩招的速度与适度,坚持教育教学质量,加强社会办学的力度是当务之急。

    It points out that it is an urgent need , under such circumstance , to increase the hardware input , to enforce the faculty build-up , to control the speed , quantity and improve teaching quality and the strength of social school running .

  17. 应用SCL90调查了社会力量办学医学中专生和国家正规医学中专生共260名,发现医学中专生的SCL90各因子均分、阳性均分和阳性项目数均高于国内正常人青年组。

    260 secondary medical students in private and public schools were investigated with SCL-90 . The results showed that each factor average scores , positive average scores and positive items were all higher than the normal youth group in our country .

  18. 对社会力量办学及其管理的思考

    Ideas about Social Strength 's Running Schools and Its Management

  19. 国家提倡社会力量办学。

    Third , The country calls for that social power runs the school .

  20. 善于资本运作,动员社会资源办学;

    Adept at capital operation , mobilizing social resources ;

  21. 社会力量办学也为发展教育事业作出了贡献。

    The running of schools by non-governmental sectors also contributed to the development of education .

  22. 民国时期政府利用社会力量办学评析

    A Research on the Government of the Republic of China Making Use of Society-run Education

  23. 综合性发展、社会化办学等改革方式使高等学校与城市的结合更加紧密。

    The comprehensive development and society-supported way of higher education promote the close connection between universities and cities .

  24. 高校办学自主权的不断扩大,使高校逐步成为面向社会独立办学的实体。

    With the expanding of its decision-making power , the college is becoming an entity which runs independently in the society .

  25. 引入市场机制,实现社会化办学,使学校以更开放的姿态融入城市社会中。

    Introducing the market mechanism and realizing the socialism school-running promote the school to enter the urban society with more exoteric pose .

  26. 加大对教育的投入和对农村教育的支持,鼓励社会力量办学。

    We should increase input in education , give more support to rural education , and encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools .

  27. 其次,中国私立教育及社会力量办学也需要更完备的管理体制。

    In the second phase , the management system of Chinese private education and nongovernmental sectors run schools also need to be completed .

  28. 具有开办学校的资格:能够获得“社会力量办学许可证”,“聘请外国专家资格证”及其他批准和许可。

    Eligible to run a school : able to obtain " non-governmental school license "," foreign teacher recruitment certificate " and other relevant qualification .

  29. 加大政府对教育的投入。鼓励、支持和规范社会力量办学、中外合作办学。

    The government will increase its input in education and encourage , support and standardize the running of schools by non-governmental sectors or by Chinese-foreign cooperation .

  30. 同时希望对提高足球人才的整体素质及规范社会力量办学机构的管理提供有益的借鉴。

    At the same time hoping to after some useful examples To improve the entirety quality of football talent and regularize the administration of running school by social power .