
  1. 智能型CAN总线监控卡设计

    The Design of Intelligent CAN Field Bus Interface for Management and Control

  2. 矿井车辆监控系统读卡器的设计

    Design of the vehicle supervise system in coal mine

  3. 电梯远程监控系统采集卡的设计与实践

    The design and practice of data acquisition cards in an elevator remote monitoring system

  4. 我们应该监控他的信用卡。

    We should trackhis credit cards .

  5. 城市监控系统中交通卡口子系统设计

    Sub system Design of Traffic Block Port in City Surveillance System

  6. 他表示,国际原子能机构的专家将到伊朗更换国际原子能机构在核设施中的技术监控摄像机的存储卡。

    He says experts of the IAEA will come to Iran to replace the memory cards of the technical surveillance cameras of the IAEA in nuclear facilities .