
  1. 接着,提出了面向水下无人探测器系统的面向对象着色Petri网并建立了水下无人探测器系统的功能模型;

    Secondly , An object oriented colored Petri net based on autonomous underwater vehicle system is introduced and defined to construct the functional model layer upon layer .

  2. 现在正环绕土星的卡西尼无人探测器为这些现象给出了证据。

    Evidence for this has come from the robot Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn .

  3. 因此,探索水下无人探测器系统的建模方法,建立实验室仿真模型具有必要性。

    So , it is necessary to find a method to construct autonomous underwater vehicle laboratory simulation model .

  4. 因此,“黎明”号将成为第一个环绕太阳系两颗不同天体运行的无人探测器。

    In so doing , Dawn will become the first spacecraft to orbit two destinations in the solar system .

  5. 轮式水下无人探测器在水下信息战、海底资源开发方面具有广阔的发展和应用前景。

    Roller underwater unmanned detector has wide developmental and applied prospect in the areas of underwater information warfare and benthonic resource exploitation .

  6. 周四,中国发射了一个火星无人探测器,其目标是在一次飞行任务中完成轨道运行、着陆和漫游。

    China launched an unmanned probe to Mars on Thursday , aiming to complete orbiting , landing and roving in one mission .

  7. 中国日报报道,中国还将参与俄罗斯的空间项目,发射一颗无人探测器到火卫一号,收集泥土样本。

    China will also take part in Russia 's project to send an unmanned probe to Mars'moon , Phobos , to collect soil samples , the paper said .

  8. 嫦娥2号成为太空项目的一部分,中国希望这些项目能够在2013年成功实现首次无人探测器登月。

    The Chang'e-2 , named after a Chinese goddess , forms part of a space programme which China hopes will lead to its first unmanned landing on the Moon in2013 .

  9. 本文的结论为水下无人探测器系统性能评价提供了基础,为水池试验提供了前期验证,可以减少试验次数,节约开发研制成本。

    The conclusion of this paper is the base of capability estimating , it brings forward a validation method to pool examination in advance , cuts down the simulating times and decreases the development cost .

  10. 本世纪内,无人驾驶探测器不可能到达恒星。

    Unmanned probes are not going to reach the stars within this century .

  11. 一艘美国无人驾驶探测器在一个小行星上首次着陆。

    An unmanned American spacecraft has made the first ever landing on an asteroid .

  12. 但是无人驾驶探测器仍需要一个能为每磅重量提供1兆瓦能量的发动机。

    But the unmanned probe still needs an engine delivering one megawatt per pound .

  13. 目前地球与无人驾驶探测器之间的通信不仅费用昂贵,而且信息专有、操作复杂。

    Today 's communications between earth and unmanned probes are expensive , proprietary , and complex .

  14. 近地小行星约会外太空探测器在对厄罗斯小行星研究了一年后才进行着陆。一艘美国无人驾驶探测器在一个小行星上首次着陆。

    The NEAR-Shoemaker probe touched down after studying the asteroid Eros for the past year . An unmanned American spacecraft has made the first ever landing on an asteroid .

  15. 是的,当印度第二个无人月球探测器发射后紧接着是载人登月成功,之后会有无人探测火星计划。

    And yes , even India has plans for another unmanned lunar mission and then a manned space mission , an unmanned mission to Mars followed by a manned lunar landing .

  16. 国家航天局副局长吴艳华近日表示,我国将于2017年12月前后发射嫦娥五号无人月球探测器,嫦娥五号将携月球土壤样品返回地球。

    China 's unmanned lunar probe Chang'e-5 , set to be launched around December 2017 , will bring lunar soil samples back to Earth , says Wu Yanhua , deputy chief of the China National Space Administration .

  17. 在第三阶段中,一个无人操纵的探测器将会被送到月球和采集月球土壤试样,然后返回地球。

    In the third stage , an unmanned probe will be sent to the moon and collect samples of the moon soil , and then return them to earth .

  18. 为奠定登月基础,中国还计划发射无人的月球探测器,并致力于到2016年在载人航天领域实现新的技术突破。

    Laying the foundation for a mission to the moon , the government also plans to launch unmanned lunar probes and make new technological breakthroughs in human space flights by 2016 .

  19. 那么,能派无人驾驶的太空探测器前往恒星吗?

    How about unmanned space probes going to the stars ?