
  • 网络Wireless video surveillance;wvm
  1. 基于IP组播的船载无线视频监控系统

    Shipborne Wireless Video Monitor System Based on IP Multicast

  2. 应用于无线视频监控的嵌入式Linux系统平台构建

    The Design and Implement of Wireless Video Surveillance System Based on Embedded Linux

  3. 为了实现对船载目标的监控,我们设计了基于IP组播的船载无线视频监控系统。

    In order to monitor shipborne objective , we design the shipborne wireless video monitoring system based on IP multicast .

  4. 伴随着3G浪潮的到来,无线视频监控则成为当今的一个研究热点。

    With the arrival of 3G wave , wireless video monitoring becomes a hot research spot nowadays .

  5. 基于WiMAX技术的武警部队无线视频监控系统

    Video Supervision System of People 's Armed Police Based on WiMAX Technique

  6. 基于WiMAX的无线视频监控系统

    The Application of Wireless Video Surveillance System base on WiMAX

  7. 基于Ad-Hoc网络的无线视频监控网络路由算法研究

    Research on Routing Algorithm in Wireless Video Monitoring Network Based on Ad-Hoc Network

  8. 与传统的模拟监控比较,基于3G的无线视频监控系统具有数字化、网络化和便利化等显著特点。

    Compared with the traditional analog video surveillance , digital surveillance has the significant features of digitization , networking and facilitation .

  9. 无线视频监控是无线Mesh中的重要应用之一,它能够满足移动视频监控的需求,减少对有线的依赖。

    Wireless Wireless Mesh Video Surveillance is an important one application , it can meet the demand for mobile video surveillance , reduce dependence on the cable .

  10. 并且以无线视频监控系统开发的整体框架为线索,着重阐述了视频图像数据的压缩方法、CDMA无线网络通讯以及视频采集终的实现。

    According to the clue of system frame , this paper puts the emphases on methods of image data compressing , CDMA network and the implementing of video capture terminal .

  11. 基于3G网络的车载无线视频监控系统,与传统的模拟监控、有线监控相比,具有移动性、无需线路铺设等显著特点。

    Compared with the traditional analog video surveillance and wired video surveillance , 3G-based wireless network vehicle video surveillance system is mobility and without laying lines , and has other significant characteristics .

  12. 选择MPEG-4编码标准作为文中无线视频监控系统的视频编码标准,通过DSP方案完成了MPEG-4算法的实现与优化。

    Last introduces the design and implementation of the receiver of COFDM-based wireless video surveillance system . In this paper , the MPEG-4 encoding standard is chosen , Through the DSP completed MPEG-4 algorithm implemented and optimization .

  13. 介绍了CDMA技术,并对基于CDMA1X的无线视频监控系统进行了技术分析,论述了CDMA1X组网方案。

    This paper introduces CDMA technology , analyzes the wireless video monitoring technology based on CDMA1X , and expounds the networking scheme of CDMA1X .

  14. MPEG-4视频压缩在无线视频监控、网络视频等方面已得到广泛应用。但由于其传输路径的开放性,急需一种安全保护措施来保证MPEG-4视频信息的安全。

    MPEG-4 has been applied in many fields , such as wireless video monitoring and network video , because of the opening of transmitting channels , so we need the security strategy urgently to guarantee the safety of MPEG-4 video information .

  15. 无线视频监控终端是由中心控制模块、视频采集模块、视频压缩模块和CDMA1X传输模块构成的嵌入式系统。

    The wireless video surveillance terminal is an embedded system made of central control module , video capture module , video compression module and CDMA IX transmission module .

  16. 远程无线视频监控系统在特高压线路施工中的应用

    Long-range Wireless Video Surveillance System in the Special High-voltage Line Construction

  17. 无线视频监控系统视频传输模块的软件设计

    The software design of video transmission in wireless video surveillance system

  18. 油田工况数字化与无线视频监控

    Digitized work condition and wireless video supervision in oil field

  19. 海上石油平台无线视频监控系统的建立

    Establishment of Wireless Video Monitoring System for Off-shore Oil Platform

  20. 煤矿井下无线视频监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of wireless video surveillance system in underground coal mine

  21. 无线视频监控中的帧率控制设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Frame-Rate Control in Wireless Video Surveillance

  22. 机车受电弓无线视频监控系统的研制及实施

    Developing and Application of Wireless Video Monitoring System of the Locomotive Pantograph

  23. 本文是在此环境下,将无线视频监控应用到长距离的铁路沿线。

    In this environment , wireless video surveillance technology applies to the long-distance railway .

  24. 为了实现敏捷维修背景下装备制造系统的信息高效采集与处理,提出了一种基于掌上电脑的工业现场无线视频监控方法。

    A type of industrial wireless video surveillance system is developed based on pocket PC.

  25. 安全的可扩展无线视频监控系统

    Secure and Extendable Wireless Video Surveillance System

  26. 在船载无线视频监控系统中,监控的目标设定为船载景物。系统分为两个部分,即船载(本地)视频源采集与处理系统和远程监控系统。

    The shipborne wireless video monitoring system take on shipborne scenery as the monitoring objective .

  27. 包装车间数字化无线视频监控系统的研究与实现

    Digital Video Monitoring System for Packaging Plant

  28. ZXOSS无线视频监控系统及应用

    Applications of Wireless Video Surveillance System

  29. 在文章最后简要介绍了基于嵌入式系统的无线视频监控系统的搭建。

    It also briefly introduces construction of the wireless video monitoring system based on embedded system at the end of the paper .

  30. 提出了一种用于无线视频监控中心多路视频流调度的通用模型,以实现对多个场景的实时监控。

    A general model of multiple video stream scheduling applied in wireless video monitoring center was proposed to achieve realtime monitoring of multiple scenarios .