
  • 网络Wireless Power Transmission;wireless power transfer
  1. 无线电能传输技术是有效解决移动设备,特别是特殊环境下电设备电能可靠灵活接入的最佳解决方案。

    Wireless Power Transfer technology is an efficient method to realize power supply for mobile vehicles , especially in special environment .

  2. 然而,通常意义下无线电能传输技术只能以“点对点”模式实现电源对受电设备的直接供电。

    However , classic wireless power transfer technology can only resort to " Point to Point " mode to realize direct power supply form power source to load .

  3. 尼古拉•特斯拉是19世纪末20世纪初与托马斯•爱迪生相媲美的发明家。1901年,他从亿万富翁J.P.摩根那里获得资助,在纽约长岛修建了一座高达187英尺的无线电能传输塔——沃登克里弗塔。

    Backed by the financier J.P. Morgan , Nikola Tesla , the inventor and rival to Thomas Edison , built in the early 1900s the Wardenclyffe Tower , a 187-foot-high structure on Long Island , which he said could transmit electricity wirelessly .

  4. 微波无线电能传输与通信系统的研究

    A Study on Wireless Microwave Power Transmission and Communication System

  5. 一个多世纪过去了,无线电能传输技术已取得了一些进展。

    Fast-forward over a century , and wireless electricity is finally gaining some traction .

  6. 无线电能传输技术是近十年来所兴起的一种新型能量供给技术,可为植入式遥测装置提供更好的能量供给方法。

    The technology of wireless electricity energy transmission is a new technology in energy supply methods in the past ten years .

  7. 本文介绍了微波无线电能传输与通信系统的分析研究以及系统的硬件实现和调试。

    In this paper a wireless microwave power transmission and communication system has been analyzed in theory , then built and tested with hardware .

  8. 介绍了空间太阳能电站的主要相关技术&无线电能传输技术、太阳能转换技术和空间运输技术等的发展趋势;

    Some concerned technologies of SPS as Wireless Power Transmission ( WPT ) and space transportation technology and solar energy conversion technology are also reviewed .

  9. 谐振耦合无线电能传输技术是一种新型的无线电能传输技术。它以近区磁场理论和谐振耦合理论为基础并具有高传输效率、中等传输距离特点的无线电能传输技术。

    The wireless power transfer through coupled resonances is a new kind of wireless power transfer technique , which is based on near-zone electromagnetic field theory and resonant coupling theory and has the characteristics of high efficiency and mid-range power transfer .