
  1. 主要是无线电台通信、接力通信和卫星通信。

    Wireless radio communication , relay communication and satellite communication is adopted mainly .

  2. 以往采用有线或无线电台通信方式组网,常常存在费用高、覆盖范围小和可靠性低的问题。

    In the past , adopting wired or radio station to organize network had the shortcomings of high cost , incomprehensive coverage and low reliability .

  3. 编制了无线电台通信与控制协议,开发了相关的参数控制模块;并通过串口通信,利用无线传输方式,实现了对远程数据采集器的相关参数设置与通信控制。

    The wireless communication protocol and correlative parameter control modules are developed , the remote control of digitizers , parameter setting of the seismic sensors and data transmission are also realized .

  4. 提出了一种采用DS-GMSK体制、基于带内扩频技术的无线电台数字通信方案。

    This paper presents a new radio station data communication scheme , a DS-GMSK system based on in-band spread - spectrum technology .

  5. 随着我军编制体制调整、武器装备更新和兵役制度改革,特别是现代通信技术的迅猛发展,作为我军军事通信主要手段之一的无线电台报务通信正面临着严峻的挑战。

    Along with our army workout system modulating , arms and equipment updating and military service system innovating , especially modern communication technique developing swiftly , the radio transmitter-receiver telegraph communication using as one of the main resorts of our army military communication is facing austere challenge .

  6. 通信电台个体特征分析无线通信电台的通信协议研究

    Individual Character Analysis of Communication Transmitter Communication Protocol for a Radio Station

  7. 无线通信电台的通信协议研究

    Communication Protocol for a Radio Station

  8. 基于轨道车无线列调电台的通信接口设计

    On Communication Interface Designing Based on Railway Wireless Train Dispatchment Radio

  9. 航空无线电台工作日志无线电通信工作程序

    Aeronautical communications log radio procedure

  10. 介绍一种智能化的综合短波通信系统,该系统由若干部软件无线电台,通过综合通信管理控制系统组成;

    The document introduces an integrated HF communication system with artificial intelligence . The system is composed of some software radios through integrated communication , management and control system .