
  • 网络remote controller;wireless remote control;Wireless Remote Controller;SR-SRC-I;nyj-wxyk
  1. 天车无线遥控器是一种能够操作起重机的设备。

    Crane is a wireless remote control devices to operate cranes .

  2. 无线遥控器在塔式起重机上的应用

    The application of wireless remote controller to tower crane

  3. 世界上第一支无线遥控器是由齐尼斯无线电公司(ZenithRadioCorporation)于1956年生产的,由罗伯特•阿德勒设计制造。

    The first wireless remote was a marvel , introduced by zenith Radio Corporation in 1956 and engineered by Robert Adler .

  4. 开发了X-10无线遥控器和无线信号转发模块,模块充分结合了无线技术和电力线载波技术的优点,使得X-10智能照明系统的控制更为灵活方便。

    X-10 wireless remote device and transmitting module are developed , which makes good uses of the technology advantages on wireless control and power line carrier and makes X-10 lighting control more convenient .

  5. 本文介绍一种应用在工业现场的远距离具有高可靠性的无线遥控器的设计。

    This paper introduces the design of a kind of wireless remote controller applied in industry location with long distance and high dependability .

  6. 用无线遥控器来控制主机,当遥控器给出报警功能时,报警仪器开始工作,实施报警功能。

    With a wireless remote to control the host , when the alarm is given when the remote control , alarm equipment to work , the implementation of the alarm function .

  7. 因此,很多人更青睐简简单单没有内置快门按键的款式,要么靠手机的倒计时装置,要么用另一只手拿着无线遥控器。

    That is why some people prefer a simple stick without any sort of built-in trigger . They can then either rely on the phone 's shutter timer , or use a wireless remote shutter button held in the other hand .

  8. 如JoyGeekUltrathin无线相机快门遥控器,这一产品厚度仅4.2毫米,由锌合金制成,具备防水功能,支持iOS7、安卓4.4及以上系统,。

    The JoyGeek Ultrathin Wireless Remote Control Camera Shutter Release is made of zinc alloy and waterproof . It supports iOS 7 and Android 4.4 and above , and is 4.2 millimeters thin .

  9. 无线扩频工业遥控器收发部分的设计与实现

    Design and realization of a wireless spread spectrum industry controller system

  10. 没问题,安装无线摄像头和遥控器,从世界上任何连接网络的电脑上你就可以看到家中的情况了。

    No problem , install some wireless cameras and controllers and from any computer in the world with an Internet connection .

  11. 体外无线控制器实现交互式遥控器设计,无线能量发射装置完成便携式改装。

    External wireless-communication controller was designed for interaction , and portable wireless energy transmitter was realized .