
  1. 无线电监测站远程监管系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Radio Remote Monitoring System of Radio Station

  2. 成都市无线电监测站受成都市信息化办公室委托,担任此次应急系统的技术设计任务。

    Entrusted by the Chengdu Information Office , the Chengdu Radio Supervision Station takes charge of the task of technical design .

  3. 覆盖范围是评价无线电监测站和监测网络效果的核心指标,这就涉及到无线电监测站的布局问题。

    The coverage range is the most important index to evaluate a radio monitoring station or a radio monitoring network . It natural comes down to the layout problem of the radio monitoring station .

  4. 这样既可以节省人力、财力和时间,同时也可以为移动通信基站或无线电监测站的建设提供决策上的依据和帮助,并由此做出最佳的布局规划,提高无线电资源的利用率。

    It can save manpower , finance and time . What is more , it can offer decision-making foundation and help for the construct of mobile communication station or radio monitor station , thereout make optimal distribution and layout , and enhance the efficiency of radio resource using .

  5. 通过对数据的分析发现实际场地和标准场地的测向灵敏度数据有较大差异,通过分析差异产生的原因,查找问题,最终解决问题,并且探讨了建设无线电监测站的注意问题。

    Through data analysis , the actual site of the venue and standards differ from the data , by analyzing the differences in the causes of the problem to find the ultimate solution to the problem , and analysis of the construction of radio stations pay attention to the problem .

  6. 在Delphi平台上运用远程访问服务实现了无线电车载监测站与中心固定站的通讯。

    RAS service is used in the communication between radio monitoring station and central fixed station on the platform of Delphi .

  7. 无线电车载监测站的信号采集与通讯系统

    Signal Acquisition and Communication System of Movable Radio Monitoring Station

  8. 潍坊VHF/UHF无线电监测网固定监测站建设项目选址研究

    Weifang VHF / UHF Radio Monitoring Network Fixed Radio Monitoring Station Selected Location Project Research

  9. 在无线电监测中,观测站观测到的信号是多个同频信号的混合信号。

    In radio monitoring , the signal that observed by observation stations are mixed signals by many signals of the same frequency .

  10. 为了充分发挥监测网的作用,国家无线电监测中心制定了《无线电监测站监测工作规范》,使全国无线电监测工作逐步达到规范化、标准化。

    In order to give full use of radio monitoring network , The State Radio Monitoring Center developed " Criterion of Radio Monitoring Station ", so that the task of national radio monitoring gradually had been standardized .

  11. 现代无线通信业务发展迅速,通信技术手段也越来越复杂,因此对无线电管理提出了很高的要求,无线电监测站也向移动监测和自动监测方向发展。

    With rapid developing , modern wireless communications become more and more complex . Consequently , the high demands for radio administration are advanced , and radio monitoring station begins to develop towards mobile monitoring and automatic monitoring .