
  • 网络mobile communication technology;Mobile Technologies
  1. IP技术和移动通信技术的高速发展,高性能笔记本电脑和PDA终端的普遍使用都为移动互联网技术的发展提供了必要的条件,移动IP技术的研究成为业界研究的重点。

    The swift development of IP and mobile communication technologies and the widely use of high performance notepads and PDA terminals have provided necessary terms , for the development of mobile Internet technology . The research on MIP technology has become the hot spot .

  2. 移动通信技术的发展、回顾和展望

    Review and Looking Ahead for Mobile Communication Technologies

  3. 基于WEB和移动通信技术的工作流管理系统

    The workflow management system based on web and mobile communication technology

  4. 移动通信技术与Internet网络的结合为家用机器人提供了一种稳定、方便的远程控制方法。

    The combination of mobile communication technology and Internet provided stable and convenient controlling means .

  5. 在互联网技术快速发展和移动通信技术不断更新换代的今天,Web服务己经发展到了移动领域。

    The rapid development of Internet technology and mobile communication technology constantly upgrading today , Web services have been developed to the mobile area .

  6. 作为一种有益的探索,将WEB技术和移动通信技术与工作流技术有效结合起来,开发了相应的工作流管理系统。

    As a useful exploration , combining WEB technology and mobile communication technology with workflow technol-ogy organically , a workflow management system is developed accordingly .

  7. 3G代表着第三代移动通信技术。

    3G represents the third generation mobile communication technology .

  8. 它是国际上在完善优化CDMA网络建设过程中推出的第2.75代移动通信技术。

    It is the mobile communication technology developed for optimizing CDMA network as 2.75 generation .

  9. MIMO(MultipleInputMultipleOutput)就是这样的技术,它已经成为新一代移动通信技术的研究热点和关键技术。

    MIMO ( Multiple Input Multiple Output ) is that technology , which has become the key technology in the next generation mobile communication .

  10. 第三代移动通信技术(3G)的发展可以提供更快的无线下载速率。

    Third generation mobile communication technology ( 3G ) development can provide faster wireless download rate .

  11. 3G是英文3rdGeneration的缩写,指第三代移动通信技术;TD-SCDMA是我国具有自主知识产权的3G技术标准。

    3G is the English abbreviation of 3rd generation , It refers to the third generation mobile communication technology .

  12. 着眼于此进行了基于GPRS移动通信技术的电力负荷管理系统的开发。

    This paper introduced the development of the Power Load Management System mind based on GPRS mobile communication technology .

  13. 互联网技术和移动通信技术的迅猛发展和相互逐步融合,已使IP协议将成为统一的网络平台成为业界的共识。

    The rapid development and the gradual integration of Internet technology and mobile communication technology has made it a consensus that IP protocol will become the uniform network platform .

  14. LTE具有频谱使用率高,技术实现简单等优点,因此也被确认为下一代移动通信技术的主流演进技术。

    Therefore LTE is confirmed as the main evolution technology of next generation mobile communication technology .

  15. 进入二十一世纪以来无线移动通信技术的飞速发展,而3G技术的发展更加引起了我们的关注。

    Into the twenty-first century wireless mobile communication technology , rapid development , the development of 3G technology is more attracted our attention .

  16. 因此,借助已有WEB校园网资源,结合移动通信技术,为师生提供移动教学信息服务正成为下一代校园网研究和应用的热点。

    Therefore , using campus network resources in WEB and combining with mobile communication technology , to provide mobile information services is becoming the hot spots of research and application of the next generation campus network .

  17. 通过移动通信技术,移动ERP使用户能够自由访问ERP服务器端的数据和信息,提高了企业业务运营的效率。

    Through the mobile communication technology , mobile ERP users can freely access the data and information in ERP server to improve the efficiency of business operations .

  18. 随着Internet和移动通信技术的快速发展,对图像信息需求量持续增长,对图像压缩技术的研究成为人们广泛关注的热点课题之一。

    With the rapid development of Internet and mobile communication technology . the demands of image information continues to grow and the research on image compression technology becomes one of the hot and widespread concern topics .

  19. Internet技术和移动通信技术的广泛应用,不但为人们提供了海量的信息源,而且可使用户随时随地方便的对所需信息进行访问。

    With the widespread application of Internet and mobile communication technology , not only massive source of information is provided to people but also the required information is conveniently accessed by users on anytime and anywhere .

  20. 随着中国电信运营商的重组、3G移动通信技术在中国全面商用,移动通信业的竞争进一步加剧。

    With the restructuring of China telecommunications industry and cosmically commercial use of 3G technology , the competition in the communication market is becoming fierce .

  21. 第三部分分析了移动通信技术、尤其是3G技术的发展趋势,并着重对比了三种主流的3G技术。

    The third part analyzes the technique of communication , especially technical development trend of 3G , and emphasizes to contrast three kinds of 3G technique .

  22. 多输入多输出技术(MIMO,MultipleInputMultipleOutput)作为无线移动通信技术的重大突破,能够极大的提高系统的容量和频谱的利用率,受到了越来越多的关注。

    MIMO technology ( MIMO , Multiple Input Multiple Output ) in wireless mobile communication technology as a major breakthrough , which greatly improves the system capacity and spectrum utilization , is increasingly concerned about .

  23. 二十一世纪,无线移动通信技术的发展可谓突飞猛进,特别是3G技术在全球范围内发展势头强劲。

    In 21st century , the development of wireless mobile communication technology is rapidly ; especially the 3G technology in the context of global has strong momentum .

  24. 当前正处于第三代移动通信技术发展的关键时期,各种与3G相关的无线网络终端的需求量与日俱增。

    There is the critical period of the 3G mobile telecommunication technology , and the demands of the 3G wireless network terminal are growing faster and faster .

  25. 随着我国通信事业的迅猛发展,以CDMA为核心技术的第三代移动通信技术全面商用。

    Along with our country communications business of rapid development , and to CDMA as the core technology of the third generation mobile communication technology comprehensive commercial .

  26. Internet与移动通信技术的融合,产生无线Internet应用。为了更适合于无线Internet应用这一特殊领域,而重写了现有的Internet协议,于是无线应用协议(WirelessApplicationProtocol,WAP)技术产生了。

    After redesignation of current IP ( Internet Protocal ), WAP ( Wireless Application Protocol ) technology is brought about as more applicable to specific wireless environment with the step of combination of Internet and Communication technology .

  27. TD-SCDMA作为我国具有自主知识产权的第三代移动通信技术主流标准,目前已正式商用。

    As a third-generation mobile communication technology mainstream standards , TD-SCDMA in China with independent intellectual property rights , is now officially commercial .

  28. 历经十余年的发展,第三代移动通信技术(3G)逐步发展成熟,国际3G移动通信市场也慢慢趋于稳定。

    After more than ten years of development , the third generation mobile communication technology ( 3G ) gradually developed , the international 3G market is slowly stabilizing .

  29. 第三代移动通信技术提出了虚拟归属环境VHE(VirtualHomeEnvironment)的概念,允许个人业务环境的无缝漫游,使用户能在任何地方通过任何终端和网络访问个性化的业务。

    VHE ( virtual home environment ) is an important concept for the 3rd generation mobile communication networks , which enables PSE ( personal service environment ) mobility across network boundaries and between terminals .

  30. 通过对4G网络中各层关键技术特点的分析,阐明了移动通信技术的发展方向。

    Through the analysis of these key technologies possibly adopted in each layer , the development trend for mobile communication is explicated .