
  • 网络Building Control Systems
  1. 直接数字控制器(DDC)在楼宇控制系统以及中央空调末端控制系统有着广泛的应用。

    Direct digital control ( DDC ) is now mainly used in building control systems and end of the control system for the central air-conditioning .

  2. 集成楼宇控制系统的解决方案

    Solution for Integrating Building Control Systems

  3. 楼宇控制系统从DCS向FCS发展已经有十几年的历程了。

    Building control system has already developed over a dozen years from the DCS to the FCS .

  4. 楼宇控制系统是智能化大楼的三个自动化系统(即通信自动化系统CA、办公自动化系统OA、楼宇自动化系统BA)中最为复杂的一个系统。

    The control system of a high building is the most complicated one in the three systems of an intelligent building ( CA , OA and BA ) .

  5. 讨论了将第三方子系统集成进具有开放式体系结构的智能楼宇控制系统的一种方法,即通过通用极强的Modbus串行通信协议实现主从系统间的通信。

    A method is presented to integrate the third subsystem be integrated into an open intelligent building control sysytem through the universal Modbus interface .

  6. 本文以ENC楼宇控制系统为模型介绍基于Ethernet通讯的楼宇控制系统架构,阐述以太网楼宇控制系统的软、硬件设计思想及在P3禽流感实验室中的应用。

    The paper introduces the Ethernet BA system framework based on the ENC system model . The software and hardware design and its application in the P3 Avian Influenza Lab are also discussed .

  7. 新型浪涌保护器在楼宇控制系统中的应用

    The New Surge Protector Were Used in the Building Controlling System

  8. 智能大厦与楼宇控制系统的设计规划

    Intelligent Building and Design Plan of Buildings ' Control System

  9. 开放式通信技术在智能楼宇控制系统中的应用

    Application of Open Communication Technology in Intelligent Building Control System

  10. 楼宇控制系统中的电力线载波通信路由算法

    A Routing Algorithm of Edifice Control System Based on Power Line Signal Carrier

  11. 按时检查楼宇控制系统,保证车间尤其是实验室的温湿度。

    Check the site tem / humidity in BMS system timely , especially the lab area .

  12. 现场采集了天津博物馆楼宇控制系统实际运行数据,并对数据进行了分析及预处理。

    Collecting the actual running data from Tianjin museum building control system , analyzing and pre-disposing the data .

  13. 本论文的研究课题是以以太网为底层控制网络的新型楼宇控制系统项目的重要组成部分。

    The research subject of this thesis is an important part of New-type Building Control System Based On Ethernet .

  14. 作为智能建筑支撑基础的楼宇控制系统,是智能大厦安全高效运行的有力保证。

    Building control system is the basis of intelligent buildings , and it ensures intelligent buildings safely and effectively run .

  15. 楼宇控制系统覆盖的范围广,涉及的子系统多,这方面的情况就特别明显。

    And building control system is more puzzled by this problem , because it covers widely and relates to many subsystems .

  16. 在楼宇控制系统的通信方式中,电力线载波通道是最直接、最经济的通信媒介。

    In all the communications ways of edifice appliances control system , the way using power line as a carrier is the most direct and economical one .

  17. 针对这四种典型故障,并利用天津博物馆楼宇控制系统正常状态下的运行数据,分别对基于核主元分析法与主元分析法的故障检测能力进行仿真研究。

    Aiming at the four typical faults and using the operating data of Tianjin museum building control system in normal condition , simulations are respectively performed for KPCA and PCA .

  18. 本文提出了使用国产组态软件&组态王开发楼宇控制系统的可行性方案,文章中详细阐述了楼宇控制系统中使用到的关键组态技术以及这些关键技术的具体的应用、设计以及实现。

    This paper describes the key technology used in the building control systems and their key technology how to design , applications , and achieve in the building control configuration software system .

  19. 在设计以电力线载波为通信方式的楼宇控制系统时,为了应对未知和时变的电力线信道特征而提出了一套基于传输矩阵的动态路由算法。

    During the design of edifice control system adopting power line signal carrier , a dynamic routine algorithm based on transporting matrix is proposed to cope with the unknown or time-varying feature of power line channel .

  20. 另外,由于空调系统的长期运行,它在整个楼宇控制系统中能源消耗量最大。

    In addition , because the air conditioning system always has been on working for a long time , and it would have taken up the greatest part of energy consumption in the whole building control system .

  21. 采用CAN现场总线技术,开发了一种分布式楼宇控制系统,该控制系统在空调、消防报警等系统的控制和监测中得到应用,并取得了良好的效果。

    A distributed building control system based on CAN bus is introduced in the paper . This control system has been used in the control and monitoring in some systems , such as air conditioning system and fire system , and desirable results are achieved .

  22. PLC在楼宇排水控制系统的应用

    The application of PLC in building drainage system

  23. 进入信息时代以来,国内外先进的楼宇智能控制系统(BA系统)为居民提供了安全、舒适、便捷、高效的生活环境。

    Advanced building intelligent control system ( BA system ) of domestic and foreign provides safe , comfortable , convenient and high-effect living environment for residents .

  24. 基于CC-Link网络的楼宇空调控制系统节能改造

    CC-Link Based Air Conditioner Control System Improving for Energy Saving

  25. 楼宇自动控制系统(BAS)是建筑技术、自动控制技术与计算机网络技术相结合的产物,它使整个建筑具有了智能建筑的特性。

    The building automatic control system ( BAS ) is the combination of building technology , automatic control and computer network technology , which provides the whole building with the properties of an intelligent building .

  26. 综上所述智能楼宇环境控制系统i-bus?EIB有如下优点:(1)创造了安全,健康,舒适宜人生活环境。

    EIB has the following advantages : ( 1 ) create a safe , healthy , comfortable and pleasant living environment . ( 2 ) energy conservation .

  27. 本文介绍了在对美国Echelon公司于1993年推出的局部网技术进行了深入研究基础上,将该技术用于设计开发楼宇自动化控制系统中的供配电系统。

    On the research basis of area networks technology produced by American Echelon company in 1993 , this article introduced how to apply this technology to develop the power distribution system in building automatic control system .

  28. BACnet协议于1995年由美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师协会制定并成为美国国家标准.此协议规范了楼宇自动控制系统实现互操作的方法,已成为楼字设备通信的标准。

    BACnet protocol , which was adopted by ASHRAE in 1995 , standards the way of mutual operation of Building Automation and Control system and has become the standard of the communication between building equipments .

  29. 易于设置满足终端用户需求的新功能等特点。适合于工业自动化,特别是楼宇自动化控制系统。

    Suitable for industry automation , especially building automation control systems .

  30. 楼宇智能控制系统总线电缆的研制

    Bus cables for building intelligent control systems