
  • 网络ladder street
  1. 戴克走下楼梯,来到街上,漫无目标的向前走去,眼睛恍恍惚惚地望着人行道。

    Dyke went down the stairs to the street and proceeded onward aimlessly looking vacantly at the sidewalk .

  2. 眼睛里还留着晶莹的泪光,裙子一套,她飘然走出房门。走下楼梯,来到街上。

    With a whirl of shirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes , she flutteded out the door and down the stairs to the street .

  3. 我从地下卖体育用品的地方走上来,通过楼梯上到街上,拿着高尔夫球包和球杆,于是这些东西就失窃了。

    I walked out of the lower level where the sporting goods were , up the stairway to the street , carrying a golf bag and golf clubs , and the clubs were stolen , and so was the bag .

  4. 然后海瑞和罗艾在拥拥挤挤的过道中往外走,下了楼梯,到了街上。

    Then Harry and Roy make their way through the crowded aisles and down the stairs to the street .