
  1. 住户终端搭载Android操作系统,住户终端还可向楼口终端发送开锁消息,接收主控室消息。

    Household terminal uses Android operating system , and it can also send unlocking message to the ground-floor terminal , receive message from main controlling room .

  2. 这是楼口村最大的水库。

    This is the biggest water reserve in Loukou village .

  3. 主要分析楼口聊天圈和职工活动中心这两个公共空间的信息收集和信息传递的作用。

    Thirdly , it analyzes the information collection and transmission in two spaces of practice center and chatting circle .

  4. 爆炸发生于机场二号候机楼检票口处,大约凌晨2点20分,受伤人员已被带去治疗,上海市政府在官方微博中说到。

    The explosion occurred near the airport 's Terminal Two ticketing area at about 2:20 p.m. and the people who were injured were taken away for medical treatment , the Shanghai government said in a short statement on its official microblog 。

  5. 塔普利先生想必正逍遥自在地在二楼的楼梯口歇着呢。

    Mr. Tapley appeared to be taking his ease on the landing of the first floor .

  6. 地面管制员指挥飞机滑过滑行道,抵达航站楼的登机口。

    The Ground Controller directs the pilot across the taxiways to its destination gate at the terminal .

  7. 他们一路没有碰到一个人,顺利地来到通往四楼的楼梯口。

    They didn 't meet anyone else until they reached the staircase up to the third floor .

  8. 起飞前,飞行员进行例行检查,将飞机从航站楼的登机口推出并滑行到指定的起飞跑道。

    Prior to takeoff , the pilot performs the flight check routine , pushes back the aircraft from the terminal 's gate , and taxis out to the designated takeoff runway .