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  • 网络Aquatic food;aquatic product
  1. 水产食品特定腐败菌与货架期的预测和延长

    Specific spoilage organisms from aquatic product and prediction & prolongation of the shelf life

  2. 海蜇是一种重要的海洋无脊椎动物,也是人们喜爱的水产食品。

    Rhopilema esculentum was an important marine invertebrate and also was an aquatic product food .

  3. 基于RFID的水产食品可追溯体系研究

    A study in aquatic food traceability system based on RFID

  4. 目的:利用基因芯片技术,以细菌16Srdna和23Srdna为靶序列筛选引物和探针,建立快速、准确的检测水产食品中肠道致病菌的方法。

    Objective : To develop a 16S rDNA and 23S rDNA gene-targeted accurate detection system based on the promising DNA Chip technology for foodborne pathogenic bacteria in fishery products .

  5. GMP在我国水产食品加工企业中的应用研究水产品,加工食品业,化成食品业,海外合并业,增养殖业,饲料畜产业。

    Study on the Application of GMP in Fish and Fishery Products Processing Factory of China ; Aquaculture , valued foods , formation foods , oversea incorporation , breed aquatics , feeds & livestock product .

  6. 水产食品熟食品和水产食品气调包装的研究

    Modified Atmosphere Package for Bakery Food , Precooked Food and Seafood

  7. 保障水产食品的安全、卫生;

    Ensuring the aquatic products safe and healthy for human ;

  8. 水产食品冷库网络控制系统的研究

    The Research of the Network Controlling System for the Aquatic Grocery Refrigeratory

  9. 运用基因芯片技术建立检测水产食品中常见病原微生物方法的研究

    Detection and Identification for Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria in Fishery Products Using DNA Chip

  10. 生物技术在水产食品加工上之应用&利用生物技术生产鱼肉蛋白降解抑制剂

    Application of biotechnology in seafood processings & production of proteinase inhibitors by using biotechnology

  11. 2002年我国水产食品中镉含量监测及分析

    Survey on the cadmium levels in fish , crustaceans and bivalve mollusks in China of 2002

  12. 将此设计运用于实际的水产食品冷库系统中,取得了令人满意的控制效果和经济效益。

    The design and application of an auto-scanning system for monitoring refrigerator temperature based on IPC ;

  13. 这表明卵黄抗体有望作为一种新型的天然抑菌剂应用于水产食品的抑菌防腐。

    This demonstrates the potential application of egg yolk antibody as a natural antimicrobial agent for preservation and bacteria inhibition .

  14. 所测定的食物中,除个别水产食品外,汞、砷及镉的含量大都低于国家允许标准。

    The mercury , arsenic , and cadmium content of foods was below the National Allowance Standard except a few marine products .

  15. 超市的迅速发展,既体现了现代商业的新潮流,也对水产食品的生产、销售提出了新的挑战。

    Quickly developing supermarkets not only embodies the new trend of modern trade but also poses a new challenge to the production and the distribution of fishery products .

  16. 副溶血弧菌是水产食品中的一种重要食物中毒菌,它在沿岸海水和海产动物体上都有广泛的分布,所以它又是海产动物的一种条件性致病菌。

    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is widely distributed in marine environment , it is a causative agent of seafood poisoning as a kind of opportunistic pathogens to the marine animals .

  17. 江苏宝龙集团是一家集水产食品贸易、苗种研发、养殖、加工为一体的国家农业产业化重点龙头企业。

    Jiangsu Baolong Group , specialized in aquatic food products trade , fish fries researching , aquatic farming and processing , is a major enterprise of Chinese Agriculture Industrialization Plan .

  18. 第二,发展水产品精深加工加快低值水产品的综合开发利用速度,提高优质水产品的品位,充分利用水产品的下脚料,开发新型的水产食品。

    Secondly , the development of deep processing of aquatic products , aquatic products to speed up the comprehensive development and utilization of low speed , high-quality aquatic products to improve quality , full use of seafood waste , development of new aquatic food .

  19. 针对中韩深加工水产品贸易特征及出口贸易结构存在的问题,中国应将低值水产品向方便水产食品和模拟水产食品方向加工,高值水产品向风味水产食品和美容保健水产食品方向加工。

    In connection with characteristics of deep processing of aquatic products between China and South Korea and the problems of export trade structure , China should make low-value aquatic products into easy seafood and simulated seafood , and make high-value aquatic products into flavor seafood and beauty care seafood .

  20. HACCP在水产冷冻食品加工中的应用

    Application of HACCP in processing of frozen aquatic food

  21. 该系统投资少、见效快、节电幅度大(每吨冻鱼7.84kw·h),改造方便,在水产、食品冷冻行业具有显著的推广应用价值。

    This system has the advantage of low investment requirements , high efficiency , and significant saving in electricity ( 7.84 kWh per ton frozen fish ) . It is easy to remodel and can be of practical value to fish and food refrigerating industries .

  22. 腌腊鱼制品是我国传统水产加工食品,因其风味独特而深受广大消费者的喜爱。

    Cured fish product is a traditional fishery food in China . It is popular with consumers because of its unique flavor .

  23. 熟肉类食品、面包糕点类食品及水产类食品肠道致病菌检出率分别是2.95%、1.59%、2.66%;

    The detection rate of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in cooked meat , bread and aquatic products were ( 2.95 % ,) 1.59 % and 2.66 % respectively .

  24. 介绍了水产冷冻食品的概况和两种鱿鱼冷冻调理食品的生产工艺,并对生产中卫生指标的管理问题作了探讨。

    The procedures and hygiene management to prepare two different frozen food products with squid as raw materials were developed , and the current development of frozen food product was briefly discussed .

  25. 淡水鱼糜是一种新的水产料理食品原料,是把鱼肉漂洗后,加入食盐以及副原料等进行擂溃,变成胶状的鱼肉糊成型后加热,变成具有弹性的凝胶体。

    Freshwater surimi is a new aquatic food ingredients . A kind of elastic gel can be formed when the fish is grinded and smashed into thick fish paste and heated after adding salt and other ingredients .

  26. 水产软罐头食品的高温杀菌F值计算

    Calculation of F Value of High Temperature Pasteurization in Soft Canned Fish Food

  27. 水产养殖是食品工业界发展最快的分支之一,每年产量增加5.8%。

    Farmed seafood is one of the fastest-growing food industries , expanding in volume by 5.8 % each year .

  28. 因其特有的强抗氧化性和着色性能,使其广泛应用于水产养殖、食品添加剂、化妆品、保健品及医药工业等方面。

    Due to its powerful antioxidantive activities and pigmentation property , it has broad application prospects in the aquaculture , food additives , cosmetics , healthy care products and medicine .

  29. 水产健康养殖与食品安全发展战略研究

    Study on development strategy of fisheries healthy cultivation and food safety

  30. 因此,突破传统的纯培养技术限制,在分子水平上研究环境样品中弧菌属的组成和弧菌菌群动态变化对于水产养殖安全和食品安全有着重要意义。

    Consequently , it is significant in mariculture and food safeties to analyse the community structure and kinetics of Vibrio genus in environmental samples by molecular techniques .