
yán shí
  • delayed;time-delay;time-lapse;deferred
延时[yán shí]
  1. 平台应对“打赏”设置延时到账期,如主播出现违法行为,平台应将“打赏”返还用户。

    It stated that the platforms should set a delayed arrival period for the reward , and if a host commits an illegal act , the platform should return the reward to the users .

  2. CT增强延时扫描在泌尿系统先天性畸形诊断的价值

    The value of delayed CT in the diagnosis of urinary congenital lesion

  3. 如果按8个数量级来看,延时量会显得小一些。

    The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude .

  4. 采用越级进位方式可以减小逐级进位造成的延时。

    The delay due to the carry propagation through the adder stages can be minimized when a carry-look-ahead scheme is used .

  5. 昆士兰延时紫罗兰世纪至今为止,研究的最成功的复苏植物之一,去年一个中国团队发表了他的基因图谱草稿。

    The Queensland rock violet is one of the best studied resurrection plants so far , with a draft genome published last year by a Chinese team .

  6. 站长甚至让火车延时发车,虽然这样让乘客抱怨连连,但莫奈能完成他的场景绘画了。

    The station master even kept trains from leaving on time so Monet could compete a scene even though passengers complained .

  7. 延时事件和动作(BusinessEvents储存数据库)

    Time-delayed events and actions ( Business Events repository database )

  8. 时序仿真验证了IP核存在时间延时后的有效性,进一步分析验证IP核。

    And timing simulation verified the validity of IP cores with signal delay .

  9. 访问延时(Accesslatency):那些物理I/O的延时

    Access latency : A measure of latency for those physical I / Os

  10. FPGA在超周期延时电路中的应用

    Application of FPGA in the Extra-Long Delay Timing Control

  11. PLC定时器断电延时功能的软件设计

    Software design of delayed-breaking-off function through PLC-timer

  12. 然而,移动IP并非完美无暇,例如,它可能引起显著的网络开销和冗长的切换延时等。

    However , using Mobile IP may cause excessive signaling traffic , long signaling delay and so on .

  13. 稳定低功耗CMOS延时电路

    A Stable , Low - Power CMOS Delay Circuit

  14. IP网络中的实时业务面临着以下一些问题:抖动,延时和信道错误。

    Real-time service in the IP network is always facing the following problems : jitter , delay and channel errors .

  15. CDMA无线网络中的突发数据业务延时分析

    Burst Packet Delay Analysis in CDMA Wireless Networks

  16. 针对带大延时环节的系统,提出了一种新的PID调节器自整定算法。

    A new algorithm for self-tuning of PID controllers regarding dominant time delay process is proposed in this paper .

  17. 通过改进的仿真器对LEO系统进行延时性能研究

    Study on Delay Performance of LEO by Improved Simulator

  18. 采用该方法实现的非因果FIR数字滤波器具有延时精度高计算量小的特点。

    The non-causal FIR filter designed by this method has the advantage of accuracy and low complexity .

  19. 进而提出了基于支持向量机(SVM)的网络延时预测方法。

    The prediction method of network delays based on support vector machine ( SVM ) was put forward .

  20. SL系列延时型漏电断路器故障原因分析

    Trouble Reason Analysis for SL Series Delayed Electrical Leakage Circuit Breaker

  21. AUV定位信号检测延时的蒙特卡洛模拟分析

    Monte-carlo simulation analysis of detection time-delay of the position signal of AUV

  22. 一种基于延时PDF测量的连接接纳控制算法

    A Delay PDF Measurement-based CAC Algorithm

  23. 补偿器中网络延时预测误差是导致系统不稳定的主要原因,采用RBF神经网络对延时进行预测,该方法提高了延时预测精度,改善了系统的整体性能。

    In the compensator predication errors of internet-induced time delays are the main cause to induce the system instability .

  24. 根据报文传送延时模型,分析了CAN总线的传输净延时和MAC访问机制。

    According to a message transmission delay model , CAN bus transmission neat delay and MAC access mechanism were analyzed .

  25. 由于不可忽略的传播延时和处理开销,节点所获得的QoS信息总是不精确的。

    Due to non-negligible propagation delay and dynamic processing overhead , it is difficult for nodes to maintain the precise global QoS information .

  26. 基于有效电容的RLC互连树延时分析

    Analysis of RLC interconnect tree delay based on " effective capacitance "

  27. 10毫秒量程的延时NIM插件的研制

    A NIM Time Delay module of 10ms full range

  28. SOC(Systemonchip)的出现在很大程度上提高了整个系统的性能,并很好得解决了板级系统固有的噪声问题和板级连线延时所带来的速度问题。

    SOC ( System On Chip ) can improve the system performance greatly and solve various problems of a PCB system such as noise , speed limit caused by wire delay etc.

  29. NoC设计中的映射属于NP问题,而面向能耗和延时的映射求解又属于多目标规划问题。

    Meanwhile , energy - and latency - aware mapping problem is a Multiple Objective Programming .

  30. 在带像增强器的微光波前传感器中,采用延时相关算法抑制CCD输出图像的随机噪声。

    In a low light level wavefront sensor with image intensifier , the random noise of CCD output image is inhibited by delay correlation algorithm .