
  • 网络extension band
  1. 区内成矿条件优越,具有形成大型金矿的可能性,近EW向断裂蚀变延伸带是寻找金矿的有利地段。

    In this region , metallogenic condition very good and may be large scale gold ore deposit in this region , and the near EW faulted altered belt is a favorable section for hunting gold ore deposit .

  2. 莺歌海盆地发育于红河断裂带海上延伸带上。

    The Yinggehai basin developed on the seaward elongation of the Red River Fault Zone .

  3. 齐塔人解释了这种情况怎样与当前的地球运动相联系,特别在延伸带内。

    The Zetas explain how this is related to the current Earth movements , especially in the stretch zone .

  4. 为了保证零件装配,并满足产品设计要求,介绍了延伸公差带的三种应用场合。

    The applications of the extension tolerance zone are introduced in order to guarantee the assembly and design .

  5. 对引起螺纹孔延伸公差带失效原因的各种因素进行了分析,并对采取的预防措施进行了讨论。

    Many factors which possibly lead to failure of extended tolerances of threaded holes are analyzed , and a discussion on the method of prevention is made .

  6. 本文论述了延伸公差带的应用,主要用于螺纹件及压配合零件的连接,控制位置度和对称度的公差,以保证零件的功能要求和顺利装配。

    This paper describes the application of projected tolerance zone , mainly in threaded parts and parts with interference fit to control the tole ranee in position or symmetry so that the function and assembling of these parts be ensured .

  7. 实验研究了延伸变形在带肋钢筋中的分布。

    The longitudinal extension distributed in the rebar has been studied .

  8. 这条东西延伸的缝合带的证据是:1.残留洋壳经消减、冲断形成的蛇绿混杂带;

    There are observation evidences for the E-W trend suture as following : ( 1 ) an ophiolitic melange belt resulted from subducted and overthrusted residual oceanic crust ;

  9. 生态交错带是在生态系统中凡处于两种或两种以上的物质体系、能量体系与功能体系之间所形成的生态界面,以及围绕该界面向外延伸的过渡带空间域。

    The definition of ecotone is that in ecosystems where ecological interface is formed between two or more material systems , energy systems and functional systems , and the Transition zone around the interface outward extension of the space domain .

  10. 从张北地震区的中上地壳速度成像可以看出,火山口周围壳内有低速体分布,并且有向地壳深部延伸的低速带。

    From the velocity imaging of middle and upper crust in Zhangbei seismic region it can be found that there are crustal low velocity bodies around the craters and also there are low velocity zones which went into deep crust .

  11. 结果表明:生产工艺符合操作规程,但裂纹内部有夹杂物,两侧有脱碳现象,裂纹末端沿铁素体偏析带延伸,偏析带内部也存在夹杂物。

    The results showed that the production engineering matches the operating instructions , but the crack inside contains inlcusion and two sides exist the decarbonize phenomenon ; The crack bitter end extends along the plain body in iron segregation band and the segregation band is inner to also exists inlcusion .

  12. 地层中存在的断裂及纵向上延伸的裂缝发育带是天然气向上运移的通道,并控制着次生气藏的分布;

    The faults and vertical fissures in the strata are conduits for gas vertical migration , which are also controlling the distribution of secondary pools .

  13. 其内部二级构造带由西向东可以分为北北东向延伸的西部斜坡带、中部洼陷带和东部郯庐断坡带。

    Secondary structure units of the basin can be divided into the western slop belt , central sub-sag belt and the Tan-Lu fault fault-slope belt from west to east , which are all NNE-trending .