
  • 网络death ray
  1. 这可能看起来像死亡射线,但其实不是。

    This might look like a death ray , but it 's not .

  2. 为什么我的死亡射线没杀了你?

    Why didn 't my death ray kill you ?

  3. 我们测试用的是带V8发动机和Sport套装的V8S(厂商指导价9.2万美元,合人民币56.37万元)。它在本质上是一辆工厂改装车:底盘更低,轮胎更大,制动器的制动力有如死亡射线一般。

    The V8 roadster with the Sport package , the V8 S ( $ 92000 MSRP ) , our test car , is essentially a factory tuner : lower , on bigger tires , and brakes with the stopping power of death rays .

  4. 火星人好像在使用死亡射线枪。

    It seemed the Martians were using death-ray guns .

  5. 这可是真实存在的死亡射线。

    It 's a real-life death ray .

  6. 但遗憾的是,这种光线更像是手电筒发出的光束,而不是所谓的死亡射线。

    Sadly , it would probably be more like a flashlight than a death ray .

  7. 一切开始于化学战,死亡射线和火枪甚至扼杀了夜晚。

    It began with chemo war , death rays and fire guns even killed the night .

  8. 这不是死亡射线,这只是一点超声波用来吓唬它的。

    It 's not a death ray . It 's just a little ultrasonic blast to scare him off .

  9. 要使用它,你得找到一个真正有阳光的地方,放下一堆镜子,把阳光反弹到一个地方,你就可以融化几乎所有的东西,所以它有点像死亡射线。

    To use it , find somewhere really sunny , plop down a bunch of mirrors , bounce the sunlight into a single spot and you can melt just about anything . Okay , so it is kind of death ray-ish .

  10. 眼魔通常使用此射线对付解离射线、化射线和死亡一指射线瞄准的同一个目标。

    Beholders often use this ray against the same creature targeted by their disintegrate , flesh to stone , or finger of death ray .

  11. 细菌的死亡可能是γ射线照射后产生OH,继而引起多结构损伤、脂质过氧化和DNA毁坏的结果。

    Coli irradiated by γ rays is the results of the production of · OH and the injury of cellular structure , the peroxidation of lipid , the damage of DNA and so on . Especially DNA DSBs may be the main cause of death .

  12. NASA的科学家称之为“死亡恒星”,死亡射线的破坏性光束能量能够清除行星的大气层,但是也可能会激发新星的诞生。

    Dubbed the'death star'by NASA scientists the death ray destructive beam can obliterate the atmospheres of planets but may also trigger the birth of new stars .